shortlist — Ⅰ. shortlist UK US (also short list) /ˈʃɔːtlɪst/ noun [C] HR ► a small number of people who have been judged the most suitable for a job, prize, etc. from a larger number and from which one will finally be chosen: »draw up/make a shortlist on a… … Financial and business terms
shortlist — [shôrt′list΄] n. Chiefly Brit. a list of those candidates for a position, award, etc. not eliminated in the preliminary selection process, from which the final choice will be made: also short list vt. to place on a shortlist * * * short·list also … Universalium
shortlist — ► NOUN ▪ a list of selected candidates from which a final choice is made. ► VERB ▪ put on a shortlist … English terms dictionary
shortlist — [shôrt′list΄] n. Chiefly Brit. a list of those candidates for a position, award, etc. not eliminated in the preliminary selection process, from which the final choice will be made: also short list vt. to place on a shortlist … English World dictionary
shortlist — (v.) “to place (someone) on the вЂshort list ” for dvancement or preferment, 1955, from short list (n.) in this sense, which is attested by 1927 … Etymology dictionary
shortlist — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ final ▪ all women (BrE, politics) VERB + SHORTLIST ▪ compile, draw up, make … Collocations dictionary
shortlist — [[t]ʃɔ͟ː(r)tlɪst[/t]] shortlists, shortlisting, shortlisted (The spelling short list is used in American English and sometimes in British English for the noun.) 1) N COUNT If someone is on a shortlist, for example for a job or a prize, they are… … English dictionary
Shortlist — Eine Shortlist (auch short list) ist eine Liste von Kandidaten für einen Arbeitsplatz, eine Auszeichnung (etwa einen Literaturpreis), eine Aufgabe o. ä., die aus einer längeren Liste („Longlist“) durch eine Vor Auswahl ermittelt wurde. Siehe … Deutsch Wikipedia
Shortlist — Short|list [ ʃɔ:tlɪst, auch: ʃɔrt…], die; , s [engl. shortlist, aus short = kurz u. list = Liste]: Liste einer engeren Auswahl [für einen Wettbewerb], die durch Kürzen einer ↑ Longlist entstanden ist … Universal-Lexikon
shortlist — noun a list of selected candidates from which a final choice is made. verb put on a shortlist … English new terms dictionary
shortlist — [ˈʃɔːtˌlɪst] noun [C] a list of people who have been chosen from a larger group by someone who is deciding who should get a job, prize etc shortlist verb [T] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English