shortest word
Смотреть что такое "shortest word" в других словарях:
Word metric — In group theory, a word metric on a group G is a way to measure distance between any two elements of G . As the name suggests, the word metric is a metric on G , assigning to any two elements g , h of G a distance d(g,h) that measures how… … Wikipedia
word — word1 [ wɜrd ] noun *** ▸ 1 unit of language ▸ 2 short conversation/talk ▸ 3 news/information ▸ 4 of advice/praise etc. ▸ 5 things someone says/sings ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count a single unit of written or spoken language: The Latin word for a table… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Word problem (computability) — In computability theory, the word problem is a decision problem concerning formal languages. The problem is to construct an algorithm to decide for a given word if it belongs to a formal language or not.Word problemGiven a formal language L… … Wikipedia
shortest — adjective ; Least in stature, length or height. The two word poem Fleas is arguably the shortest poem in the English language. How could a poem have fewer words? … Wiktionary
Synchronizing word — This drawing represents a DFA with eight states and two input symbols, red and blue. The word blue red red blue red red blue red red is a synchronizing word that sends all states to the yellow state; the word blue blue red blue blue red blue blue … Wikipedia
in a word — BRIEFLY, to be brief, in short, in a nutshell, to come to the point, to cut a long story short, not to put too fine a point on it; to sum up, to summarize, in summary. → word * * * phrasal also in one word : in short : to sum up * * * in a word … Useful english dictionary
in a word — used for giving the shortest answer possible, without explaining anything Did you like Vince? In a word, no … English dictionary
English words with uncommon properties — For the purposes of this article, any word which has appeared in a recognised general English dictionary published in the 20th century or later is considered a candidate. For interest, some archaic words, non standard words and proper names are… … Wikipedia
Ptydepe — is a fictional artificial language featuring in Czech playwright Václav Havel s 1966 play The Memorandum . The play concerns the events that unfold when Ptydepe is introduced as the new official language of an unspecified organization. In Czech,… … Wikipedia
Car numberplate game — A car numberplate game is a car game playable in the United Kingdom and other countries with a suitable car registration scheme. Most are solitary games, or can be played individually in competition with other passengers.In EuropeOne variant of… … Wikipedia
Weyl group — In mathematics, in particular the theory of Lie algebras, the Weyl group of a root system Phi; is a subgroup of the isometry group of the root system. Specifically, it is the subgroup which is generated by reflections through the hyperplanes… … Wikipedia