shortcut key
Смотреть что такое "shortcut key" в других словарях:
shortcut key — spartieji klavišai statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Klavišai arba klavišų deriniai, tam tikriems programos valdymo veiksmams sukelti. Gali būti ↑komandų klavišai arba ↑prieigos klavišai. Vartojami dažnai pasitaikantiems veiksmams sukelti … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
shortcut key — noun A key or key combination involved in a keyboard shortcut … Wiktionary
shortcut key — combination of keys used to activate a program or execute a command … English contemporary dictionary
application shortcut key — key combination which is defined in order to read to an application in a Windows environment … English contemporary dictionary
key — key1 W1S2 [ki:] adj [no comparative] very important or necessary ▪ China s support is key to the success of the coalition. key factor/points/questions etc ▪ The President makes all the key decisions on foreign policy. key role/player/figure etc ( … Dictionary of contemporary English
Shortcut — Als Tastenkombination (auch Tastaturkombination, Tastaturbefehl, Tastenkürzel, Tastensequenz, Hotkey, Shortcut) bezeichnet man das gleichzeitige oder aufeinanderfolgende Drücken mehrerer Tasten auf Computertastaturen in einer bestimmten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Shortcut — Сочетание клавиш (синонимы: горячая клавиша, клавиша быстрого доступа, клавиша быстрого вызова, клавиатурный ускоритель) (англ. keyboard shortcut, quick key, access key, hot key) нажатие одной или нескольких клавиш на клавиатуре для выполнения… … Википедия
Key strengthening — In cryptography, key strengthening or key stretching refer to techniques used to make a possibly weak key, typically a password or passphrase, more secure against a brute force attack by increasing the time it takes to test each possible key.… … Wikipedia
key combination — In menu driven and graphical user interfaces, some menu commands can be executed by certain combinations of keystrokes, also known as shortcut keystrokes. By using key combinations, users can bypass the menus and so speed up operations … Dictionary of networking
key combination — keyboard shortcut, group of keys pressed together which performs a command … English contemporary dictionary
shortcut keystroke — See key combination … Dictionary of networking