short-range missile
Смотреть что такое "short-range missile" в других словарях:
short-range — [shôrt′rānj΄] adj. 1. designating or of a gun, aircraft, missile, etc. that has only a relatively short range 2. not looking far into the future [short range plans] … English World dictionary
Short Range Air Defense — (SHORAD) is a term used to describe a group of anti aircraft weapons and tactics that have to do with defense against low altitude air threats, primarily helicopters and low flying close air support aircraft such as the A 10 or MiG 27. SHORAD and … Wikipedia
Short-range ballistic missile — A short range ballistic missile (SRBM) is a ballistic missile with a range of about 1000 km or less. They are usually capable of carrying nuclear weapons. In potential regional conflicts, these missiles would be used because of the short… … Wikipedia
short-range — adj. Short range is used with these nouns: ↑missile … Collocations dictionary
short-range air defence engagement zone — ginklų naudojimo zona statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Oro erdvės gynybos metu – apribota oro erdvė, kurioje ginklų panaudojimas siejamas paprastai su tam tikra ginklų sistema. atitikmenys: angl. fighter engagement zone; missile engagement… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
short-range ballistic missile — A ballistic missile with a range capability up to about 600 nautical miles. Also called SRBM … Military dictionary
range — 1 /reIndZ/ noun 1 GROUP (singular) a number of things which are all different but of the same general type (+ of): an interesting range of books and videos | The drug is effective against a range of bacteria. | We teach the full range of ballroom … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Missile Defense Agency — MDA Agency overview Formed 2002 Preceding agencies … Wikipedia
Missile Balistique — Tir d un missile Titan II depuis son silo; cet engin fut opérationnel à partir de 1962. Un missile balistique est un missile dont une partie de la trajectoire est balistique, c est à dire influencée uniquement par la gravité et la friction… … Wikipédia en Français
Missile Balistique Intercontinental — Un missile Minuteman III s élève suite à sa lancée de test … Wikipédia en Français
Missile and Space Intelligence Center — Seal of MSIC Agency overview Formed 1992 Headquarters Redstone Arsenal Employees Approx. 650 … Wikipedia