

1. сущ.;
тж. shortcut, short cut
1) кратчайшее расстояние;
путь напрямик to take/make a short-cut ≈ избрать кратчайший путь
2) метод, требующий наименьших затрат времени и сил (для достижения какой-л. цели) keyboard short-cut ≈ компьют. а) экономия времени при пользовании клавиатурой (вместо мыши) ;
б) сокращенный клавишный набор (нужной команды)
3) компьют. сокращенное наименование, сокращение
4) мелкая крошка (сорт табака)
2. прил.;
тж. short cut
1) укороченный;
свернутый, сокращенный Syn : short-cut methodсокращенный способ short-cut techniqueупрощенный метод
2) мелко накрошенный (о табаке и т. п.)
3. гл.;
тж. shortcut, short cut
1) догнать, нагнать, обогнать (двигась коротким путем)
2) пересечь по прямой (пересечь какое-л. пространство кратчайшим путем)
3) избрать кратчайший путь кратчайший путь

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "short-cut" в других словарях:

  • short|cut — short cut, or short|cut «SHRT KUHT», noun. 1. a less distant or quicker way between two places. 2. Figurative. a quick or quicker way: »There are no short cuts to wisdom and learning. short cut «SHRT KUHT», verb, cut, cut| …   Useful english dictionary

  • short cut — short cuts also short cut, shortcut 1) N COUNT A short cut is a quicker way of getting somewhere than the usual route. I tried to take a short cut and got lost. 2) N COUNT: oft N to n A short cut is a method of achieving something more quickly or …   English dictionary

  • short cut — also short cut [ US ˈ. .] n 1.) a quicker and more direct way of getting somewhere than the usual one ▪ Carlos decided to take a short cut home. ▪ We were late for the game, but found a short cut through the fields. 2.) a quicker way of doing… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • short cut — UK / US or shortcut UK [ˈʃɔː(r)tˌkʌt] / US [ˈʃɔrtˌkʌt] noun [countable] Word forms short cut : singular short cut plural short cuts 1) a path or route that is quicker and shorter than the usual way 2) a way of saving time or effort in doing… …   English dictionary

  • short-cut — short cutter, n. /shawrt kut /, v., short cut, short cutting. v.t. 1. to cause to be shortened by the use of a shortcut. v.i. 2. to use or take a shortcut. [1560 70] * * * …   Universalium

  • short cut — ► NOUN 1) an alternative route that is shorter than the one usually taken. 2) an accelerated but somewhat irregular way of doing something …   English terms dictionary

  • short cut — noun VERB + SHORT CUT ▪ be ▪ take ▪ use sth as ▪ provide (often figurative) ▪ Each saint was depicted with his or her symbols, which provided a short cut to recognition …   Collocations dictionary

  • short cut — noun (C) 1 a quicker, more direct way of going somewhere than the usual one: We were late for the game, but found a short cut through the fields. | take a short cut: Carlos decided to take a short cut home. 2 a quicker way of doing something (+… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • short-cut — see short cut …   English dictionary

  • Short Cut to Hollywood — Filmdaten Originaltitel Short Cut to Hollywood Produktionsland Deutschland …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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