- short-circuit duty
1. мощность короткого замыкания
2. режим короткого замыкания
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
short — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sceort; akin to Old High German scurz short, Old Norse skortr lack Date: before 12th century 1. a. having little length b. not tall or high ; low 2. a. not extended in time … New Collegiate Dictionary
Circuit (judicial district) — In law, a circuit is an appellate judicial district used in the court systems of several nations.OriginsFor most of Western history, the majority of people were illiterate; competent lawyers and judges were often in short supply. As England… … Wikipedia
United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit — Seal of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit The United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit (in case citations, 8th Cir.) is a federal court with appellate jurisdiction over the district courts in the following… … Wikipedia
TRS connector — 1⁄4 in TRS connector Trip … Wikipedia
Congressional response to the NSA warrantless surveillance program — Congressional inquiries and investigations Three days after news broke about the Terrorist Surveillance Program, a bipartisan group of Senators Democrats Dianne Feinstein of California, Carl Levin of Michigan, Ron Wyden of Oregon and Republicans… … Wikipedia
Disasters — ▪ 2009 Introduction Aviation January 23, Poland. A Spanish built CASA transport plane carrying members of the Polish air force home from a conference on flight safety in Warsaw crashes near the town of Miroslawiec; all 20 aboard are killed … Universalium
List of problems solved by MacGyver — This is a list of problems that have been solved by the fictional character MacGyver from the television series of the same name. (This list is not yet comprehensive.) MacGyver employs his resourcefulness and his knowledge of chemistry,… … Wikipedia
Charlieplexing — is a technique proposed in early 1995 by Charlie Allen at Maxim Integrated Products for driving a multiplexed display in which relatively few I/O pins on a microcontroller are used to drive an array of LEDs. The method utilizes the tri state… … Wikipedia
ГОСТ Р 50345-2010: Аппаратура малогабаритная электрическая. Автоматические выключатели для защиты от сверхтоков бытового и аналогичного назначения. Часть 1. Автоматические выключатели для переменного тока — Терминология ГОСТ Р 50345 2010: Аппаратура малогабаритная электрическая. Автоматические выключатели для защиты от сверхтоков бытового и аналогичного назначения. Часть 1. Автоматические выключатели для переменного тока оригинал документа: 3.5.12… … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
Power supply — For the Budgie album, see Power Supply (album). A vacuum tube rackmount adjustable power supply, capable of +/ 1500 volts DC, 0 to 100mA output, with amperage limiting capability. A power supply is a device that supplies electrical energy … Wikipedia
Tesla coil — at Questacon the National Science and Technology center in Canberra, Australia Uses Application in educational demonstrations, novelty lighting, as well as music Inventor … Wikipedia