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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "short-armed" в других словарях:

  • short-armed — «SHRT AHRMD», adjective. 1. that has short arms; not long of arm or reach. 2. that travels a short distance and is delivered with the arm not fully straight: »a short armed jab to the chin …   Useful english dictionary

  • short-armed — having limited abilities …   English contemporary dictionary

  • short-arm — «SHRT AHRM», adjective. = short armed. (Cf. ↑short armed) * * * adj. denoting a blow or throw executed with the arm not fully extended or with motion from the elbow only …   Useful english dictionary

  • Short — Short, a. [Compar. {Shorter}; superl. {Shortest}.] [OE. short, schort, AS. scort, sceort; akin to OHG. scurz, Icel. skorta to be short of, to lack, and perhaps to E. shear, v. t. Cf. {Shirt}.] 1. Not long; having brief length or linear extension; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Short rib — Short Short, a. [Compar. {Shorter}; superl. {Shortest}.] [OE. short, schort, AS. scort, sceort; akin to OHG. scurz, Icel. skorta to be short of, to lack, and perhaps to E. shear, v. t. Cf. {Shirt}.] 1. Not long; having brief length or linear… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Short suit — Short Short, a. [Compar. {Shorter}; superl. {Shortest}.] [OE. short, schort, AS. scort, sceort; akin to OHG. scurz, Icel. skorta to be short of, to lack, and perhaps to E. shear, v. t. Cf. {Shirt}.] 1. Not long; having brief length or linear… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Armed Forces of the Argentine Republic — Fuerzas Armadas de la Republica Argentina The Libertador Building, headquarters of the Ministry of Defense and military high command Service branches Ministry of Defe …   Wikipedia

  • Armed Services Editions — (ASEs) were small, compact, paperback books printed by the Council on Books in Wartime for distribution within the American military during World War II. This program was in effect from 1943 to 1946. The ASEs were designed to provide… …   Wikipedia

  • Armed and Dangerous — may refer to: * the 1985 album by Anthrax, see Armed and Dangerous (album) * the 1986 movie by Mark L. Lester starring John Candy, Meg Ryan, Eugene Levy and Jonathan Banks, see Armed and Dangerous (1986 film) * the 2002 short film comedy, see… …   Wikipedia

  • Short Eyes (play) — Short Eyes is a theatre drama written in 1972 by playwright Miguel Piñero, which was later made into a movie. The title is prison slang for a pedophile. Piñero wrote the play for a prisoners writing workshop during his incarceration for armed… …   Wikipedia

  • Armed and Dangerous (2002 film) — Armed and Dangerous (2002) is a short film about two escapees from an asylum for the criminally insane. It is notable for climaxing in an elaborate chase where supermarket trollies stand in for police cars. The makers are planning a feature film… …   Wikipedia

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