Смотреть что такое "short-age" в других словарях:
short|age — «SHR tihj», noun. 1. too small an amount; lack; deficiency: »a shortage of rain. There is a shortage of grain because of poor crops. There is still an acute shortage of housing facilities in the large cities of this country (Andrew W. Mellon). 2 … Useful english dictionary
short·age — … Useful english dictionary
age — age·a·ble; age; age·less; age·long; age·net·ic; al·ien·age; al·loy·age; al·tar·age; am·per·age; an·ec·dot·age; ap·pend·age; ar·rear·age; av·er·age·ly; av·er·age·ness; bale·age; bal·last·age; bar·on·age; bar·on·et·age; bar·rel·age; bea·con·age;… … English syllables
short — short; short·age; short·en; short·en·er; short·ish; short·ite; short·ly; short·ness; short·om·e·ter; short·schat; short·sight·ed·ness; short·some; ul·tra·short; short·hand·ed·ness; short·shat; short·sight·ed·ly; … English syllables
Age of the Earth — This article is about scientific estimates of the age of the Earth. For religious and other non scientific estimates, see Dating Creation. Earth as seen from Apollo 17 The age of the Earth is 4.54 billion years (4.54 × 109 years ± 1%) … Wikipedia
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures — North American cover Developer(s) Funcom Publisher(s) Funcom Eidos Interactive … Wikipedia
Age of Enlightenment — Age of Reason redirects here. For other uses, see Age of Reason (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
Short track speed skating — (also Shorttrack speedskating ) is a form of competitive ice speed skating. In competitions, multiple skaters (typically between four and six) skate on an oval ice track with a circumference of 111.12 m. The rink itself is 60 m by 30 m, which is… … Wikipedia
short story — short story, adj. a piece of prose fiction, usually under 10,000 words. [1885 90] * * * Brief fictional prose narrative. It usually presents a single significant episode or scene involving a limited number of characters. The form encourages… … Universalium
Short and Sweet — (Short Sweet, or sometimes Short+Sweet) is a short play competition originating in Sydney, Australia. Billed as the biggest little theatre competition in the world , over 200 new 10 minute plays are premiered each year as part of the competition… … Wikipedia
Age of Fire — Cover from Dragon Champion Dragon Champion Dragon Avenger Dragon Outcast Dragon Strike Dragon Rule (one more planned)[1] Author … Wikipedia