- short day of maturity
- короткий срок платежа
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Maturity onset diabetes of the young — (Monogenic Diabetes) Classification and external resources OMIM 606391 DiseasesDB 8330 … Wikipedia
maturity — The period during which a futures contract can be settled by delivery of the actuals; i.e., the period between the first notice day and the last trading day. Also, the due date for financial instruments. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary For a… … Financial and business terms
Day count convention — In finance, a day count convention determines how interest accrues over time for a variety of investments, including bonds, notes, loans, mortgages, medium term notes, swaps, and forward rate agreements (FRAs). This determines the amount… … Wikipedia
Short-finned eel — Taxobox name = Short finned eel image width = 240px regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Anguilliformes familia = Anguillidae genus = Anguilla species = A. australis binomial = Anguilla australis binomial authority … Wikipedia
Ninety-Day Savings Account — A type of passbook savings account that guarantees a fixed rate of interest for 90 days from date of deposit to date of withdrawal. Upon maturity, account holders can either close the account and withdraw their funds or roll the accrued balance… … Investment dictionary
law day — The date prescribed in a bond, mortgage, or deed for payment of the debt; the maturity date. May 1st, observed in schools, public assemblies, and courts, in honor of our legal system. Dictionary from West s Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005. law … Law dictionary
Superman (animated short) — Infobox Hollywood cartoon cartoon name = Superman series = Superman caption = Title card from Superman director = Dave Fleischer story artist = Seymour Kneitel I. Sparber animator = Steve Muffati Frank Endres voice actor = Bud Collyer Joan… … Wikipedia
plant development — Introduction a multiphasic process in which two distinct forms succeed each other in alternating generations. One form, created by the union of sexual cells (gametes (gamete)), contains two sets of similar chromosomes (diploid). At sexual… … Universalium
dog — dogless, adj. doglike, adj. /dawg, dog/, n., v., dogged, dogging. n. 1. a domesticated canid, Canis familiaris, bred in many varieties. 2. any carnivore of the dogfamily Canidae, having prominent canine teeth and, in the wild state, a long and… … Universalium
agricultural technology — Introduction application of techniques to control the growth and harvesting of animal and vegetable products. Soil preparation Mechanical processing of soil so that it is in the proper physical condition for planting is usually… … Universalium
reproductive system, plant — Introduction any of the systems, sexual or asexual, by which plants reproduce. In plants, as in animals, the end result of reproduction is the continuation of a given species, and the ability to reproduce is, therefore, rather conservative … Universalium