- shoreless
- ˈʃɔ:lɪs прил. безбрежный, необъятный, безграничный Syn : boundless, immense безбрежный, безграничный - the * sea безбрежное море неудобный для причала shoreless безбрежный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Shoreless — Shore less, a. Having no shore or coast; of indefinite or unlimited extent; as, a shoreless ocean. Young. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shoreless — [shôrlis] adj. having no shore; boundless … English World dictionary
shoreless — adjective Without a shore, or with no shore in sight; boundless. In other words, the infinite, unlimited and shoreless ocean now is made to look upon itself through the drop as merely the limited drop of that infinite, unlimited and shoreless… … Wiktionary
shoreless — ˈ ̷ ̷lə̇s adjective 1. : having no shore the sea beats against a shoreless cliff 2. : of indefinite or unlimited extent : boundless a great expanse of shoreless water H.L.Bridgman … Useful english dictionary
shoreless — /shawr lis, shohr /, adj. 1. limitless; boundless. 2. without a shore or beach suitable for landing: a shoreless island. [1620 30; SHORE1 + LESS] * * * … Universalium
shoreless — /ˈʃɔləs/ (say shawluhs) adjective 1. boundless. 2. without a shore for landing on: a shoreless island. {shore1 + less} …
shoreless — shore·less || ʃɔrlɪs /ÊƒÉ”Ë adj. lacking a beach where a boat can land; unlimited, boundless … English contemporary dictionary
shoreless — shore·less … English syllables
shoreless — shore•less [[t]ˈʃɔr lɪs, ˈʃoʊr [/t]] adj. 1) limitless; boundless 2) without a shore or beach suitable for landing • Etymology: 1620–30 … From formal English to slang
Alans — The Alans or Alani (occasionally but more rarely termed Alauni or Halani) were an Iranian [Encyclopedia Iranica, Alans V. I. Abaev External link: [http://www.iranica.com/newsite/index.isc?Article=http://www.iranica.com/newsite/articles/unicode/v1f… … Wikipedia
Meher Baba — Full name Meher Baba Born February 25, 1894 Poona (now Pune), India Died January 31, 1969(1969 01 31) … Wikipedia