- shore patrol
- ˈʃɔ:pəˌtrəul амер. береговой патруль
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Shore patrol — are service members that are provided to aid in security for the U.S. Navy, United States Coast Guard, United States Marine Corps, and the British Royal Navy while on shore. They are often temporarily assigned personnel who are untrained in law… … Wikipedia
shore patrol — ☆ shore patrol n. a detail of the U.S. Navy, Coast Guard, or Marine Corps acting as military police on shore … English World dictionary
shore patrol — shore′ patrol n. mil (often caps.) U.S. Navy personnel having duties similar to those performed by military police • Etymology: 1940–45 … From formal English to slang
shore patrol — noun the military police of the navy • Topics: ↑military, ↑armed forces, ↑armed services, ↑military machine, ↑war machine • Hypernyms: ↑military police, ↑MP * * * … Useful english dictionary
shore patrol — {n.} The police of a navy. * /The sailors who were fighting in town were arrested by the shore patrol./ * /The shore patrol was ordered to search every sailor who went on board the ship./ … Dictionary of American idioms
shore patrol — {n.} The police of a navy. * /The sailors who were fighting in town were arrested by the shore patrol./ * /The shore patrol was ordered to search every sailor who went on board the ship./ … Dictionary of American idioms
Shore patrol — Le shore patrol (patrouille côtière) est une unité de police militaire de la marine et des gardes côtes des États Unis d Amérique, ainsi que de la marine britannique lorsque les navires sont en mer. De par le passé, le shore patrol a souvent eu… … Wikipédia en Français
shore\ patrol — noun the police of a navy. The sailors who were fighting in town were arrested by the shore patrol. The shore patrol was ordered to search every sailor who went on board the ship … Словарь американских идиом
shore patrol — noun A special unit of the military police of the U.S. Navy or the Royal Navy. Their duties are to police the seamen while they are on shore leave … Wiktionary
shore patrol — noun Date: 1917 1. a branch of a navy that exercises guard and police functions compare military police 2. petty officers detailed to perform police duty while a ship is in port … New Collegiate Dictionary
shore patrol — (often caps.) members of an organization in the U.S. Navy having police duties similar to those performed by military police. Abbr.: SP [1940 45] * * * … Universalium