

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "shootout" в других словарях:

  • shootout — ☆ shootout or shoot out [sho͞ot′out΄ ] n. 1. a) a battle with handguns, etc., as between police and criminals b) any confrontation to settle a conflict 2. Sports any of various procedures used to break a tie at the end of a game, as, in soccer,… …   English World dictionary

  • Shootout — A shootout is a gun battle between armed groups. A shootout often, but not necessarily, pits law enforcement against criminal elements. A shootout may also involve two groups outside of law enforcement, such as rival gangs. A shootout in a… …   Wikipedia

  • Shootout! — Infobox Television show name = Shootout! caption = genre = camera = picture format = audio format = runtime = creator = developer = producer = executive producer = presenter = starring = voices = narrated = theme music composer = opentheme =… …   Wikipedia

  • Shootout — Das Wort Shootout bezeichnet Shootout, eine mit Waffen ausgetragene Auseinandersetzung (siehe Western, manchmal der Showdown) Shootout, im Pokerjargon eine Spielweise in einem Pokerturnier Shootout, ein Strafschuss (Penalty) im Eishockey, um ein… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • shootout — noun /ˈʃuːtaʊt/ a) A decisive battle, especially a gunfight. b) penalty shootout …   Wiktionary

  • Shootout — Shoot out auch: Shoot|out 〈[ʃu:taʊt] n. 15 oder m. 6〉 1. 〈Sp.〉 Spielentscheidung eines unentschieden beendeten Wettkampfes durch zusätzliches Toreschießen, z. B. beim Penalty u. Elfmeterschießen 2. 〈bes. Film; TV〉 abschließende Schießerei,… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • shootout — /ˈʃutaʊt/ (say shoohtowt) noun 1. a gunfight between two or more people. 2. → penalty shootout. 3. Australian Rules Colloquial a high scoring game in which goal is exchanged for goal. 4. Golf a sudden death play off format for a selected number… …  

  • shootout — noun a fight involving shooting small arms with the intent to kill or frighten • Syn: ↑gunfight, ↑gunplay • Hypernyms: ↑fight, ↑fighting, ↑combat, ↑scrap * * * ˈ ̷ ̷ ˌ ̷ ̷ noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • Shootout (disambiguation) — Shootout refers to: * Shootout, a gun battle * Penalty shootout, a name for a variety of methods of determining a winner in sport matches * Shootout, a game format in poker tournaments * Shootout! , a documentary television program on The History …   Wikipedia

  • Shootout at Old Tucson — is a rare live action laserdisc video game, released by American Laser Games in 1994 in the arcade. The game was produced for a limited number of systems, and was the only release by the company never to be ported to PC. Soon after it appeared on …   Wikipedia

  • Shootout! The Game — Infobox VG title=Shootout! The Game caption=ShootOut! Soldiers developer=Kuma Reality Games license = Advergame publisher= distributor= designer= series= engine= Source engine picture format= version= released= 2006 genre= First Person Shooter,… …   Wikipedia

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