
1) трость-сиденье
2) сл. огнестрельное оружие

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "shooting-stick" в других словарях:

  • Shooting stick — Shooting Shoot ing, a. Of or pertaining to shooting; for shooting; darting. [1913 Webster] {Shooting board} (Joinery), a fixture used in planing or shooting the edge of a board, by means of which the plane is guided and the board held true.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • shooting stick — n BrE a pointed stick with a top that opens out to form a seat …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • shooting stick — shooting ,stick noun count a stick with a pointed end that you push into the ground and a handle that can be folded down to become a seat …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • shooting stick — ► NOUN ▪ a walking stick with a handle that unfolds to form a seat and a sharpened end which can be stuck firmly in the ground …   English terms dictionary

  • shooting stick — n. a canelike stick with a spike at one end and a narrow, folding seat at the top for resting on …   English World dictionary

  • shooting stick — noun device that resembles a spiked walking stick but the top opens into a seat • Hypernyms: ↑device * * * ˈshooting stick [shooting stick shooting sticks] noun a pointed stick that has a handle at the top which opens out to make a simple seat …   Useful english dictionary

  • shooting stick — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms shooting stick : singular shooting stick plural shooting sticks a stick with a pointed end that you push into the ground and a handle that can be folded down to become a seat …   English dictionary

  • shooting stick — shoot′ing stick n. a device resembling a cane or walking stick, with a spike on one end and a folding seat on the other • Etymology: 1675–85 …   From formal English to slang

  • shooting stick — /ˈʃutɪŋ stɪk/ (say shoohting stik) noun a walking stick with a spike at one end and a small, folding seat at the other, used by spectators at sporting events, etc.; seat stick …  

  • shooting stick — noun Date: 1926 a spiked stick with a top that opens into a seat …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • shooting stick — a device resembling a cane or walking stick, with a spike on one end and a small, folding seat on the other, often used by spectators at outdoor sporting events. [1675 85] * * * …   Universalium

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