- shoot forth
1) пронестись, промелькнуть
2) распускаться, прорастать быстро высунуть (язык) промелькнуть, пронестись
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
shoot forth — index pullulate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Shoot — Shoot, v. i. 1. To cause an engine or weapon to discharge a missile; said of a person or an agent; as, they shot at a target; he shoots better than he rides. [1913 Webster] The archers have . . . shot at him. Gen. xlix. 23. [1913 Webster] 2. To… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shoot — [sho͞ot] vt. shot, shooting [ME shoten < OE sceotan, akin to ON skjōta, Ger schiessen < IE base * (s)keud , to throw, shoot > SHUT, OSlav is kydati, to throw out] 1. a) to move swiftly over, by, across, etc. [to shoot the rapids in a… … English World dictionary
Shoot — Shoot, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Shot}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Shooting}. The old participle {Shotten} is obsolete. See {Shotten}.] [OE. shotien, schotien, AS. scotian, v. i., sce[ o]tan; akin to D. schieten, G. schie?en, OHG. sciozan, Icel. skj?ta, Sw.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shoot — I. verb (shot; shooting) Etymology: Middle English sheten, shoten, shuten, from Old English scēotan; akin to Old Norse skjōta to shoot Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1. a. (1) to eject or impel or cause to be ejected or impelled by a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
shoot — [c]/ʃut / (say shooht) verb (shot /ʃɒt / (say shot), shooting) –verb (t) 1. to hit, wound, or kill with a missile discharged from a weapon. 2. to execute or put to death with a bullet. 3. to send forth (arrows, bullets, etc.) from a bow, firearm …
shoot — shoot1 /shooht/, v., shot, shooting, n. v.t. 1. to hit, wound, damage, kill, or destroy with a missile discharged from a weapon. 2. to execute or put to death with a bullet: to be shot at sunrise. 3. to send forth or discharge (a missile) from a… … Universalium
shoot — [[t]ʃut[/t]] v. shot, shoot•ing, n. 1) to hit, wound, damage, kill, or destroy with a missile discharged from a weapon 2) to send forth or discharge (a missile) from a weapon 3) to discharge (a weapon) 4) to send forth (questions, ideas, etc.)… … From formal English to slang
shoot — v., n., & int. v. (past and past part. shot) 1 tr. a cause (a gun, bow, etc.) to fire. b discharge (a bullet, arrow, etc.) from a gun, bow, etc. c kill or wound (a person, animal, etc.) with a bullet, arrow, etc. from a gun, bow, etc. 2 intr.… … Useful english dictionary
shoot — Synonyms and related words: Photostat, X ray, Xerox, ache, acute pain, agonize, ail, aim at, altitude peak, anguish, annihilate, assassinate, automatic control, backfire, barf, barrage, be bright, beacon, beam, beat, bedazzle, behead, bine, bite … Moby Thesaurus
shoot — v 1. hit, wound, hurt, harm, damage, injure; shoot down, bring down, drop, fell; riddle, Sl. pump full of lead, Sl. zap, pick off; kill, slay, Sl. knock off, Sl. snuff out. 2. send forth, discharge, fire or fire off, let fly, let off, eject;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder