Смотреть что такое "shoes" в других словарях:
SHOES — Help Our Elementary Students (Community » Educational) … Abbreviations dictionary
shoes — n. 1) to put on; wear shoes 2) to slip off, take off shoes 3) to break in (new) shoes 4) to lace (one s) shoes 5) to polish, shine shoes 6) to fix, mend (esp. BE), repair shoes 7) tight; well fitting shoes 8) basketball; earth; gym shoes;… … Combinatory dictionary
shoes — The popular custom of tying an old shoe to the back of the car in which a bride and groom are setting off for their honeymoon is a specialized form of what was once a widespread practice, that of throwing an old shoe at or after someone to… … A Dictionary of English folklore
Shoes — Shoe Shoe (sh[=oo]), n.; pl. {Shoes} (sh[=oo]z), formerly {Shoon} (sh[=oo]n), now provincial. [OE. sho, scho, AS. sc[=o]h, sce[ o]h; akin to OFries. sk[=o], OS. sk[=o]h, D. schoe, schoen, G. schuh, OHG. scuoh, Icel. sk[=o]r, Dan. & Sw. sko, Goth … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shoes — ʃuË n. protective covering for the foot; horseshoe; brake shoe, part of the brake system that presses on the brake drum to slow a vehicle v. equip with shoes; put on shoes; fit a horse with horseshoes … English contemporary dictionary
shoes — Ammunition Am mu*ni tion, n. [F. amunition, for munition, prob. caused by taking la munition as l amunition. See {Munition}.] 1. Military stores, or provisions of all kinds for attack or defense. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] 2. Articles used in charging … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shoes — batai statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Odinis, guminis ar kitokios medžiagos gaminys, aunamas ant kojų. atitikmenys: angl. shoes vok. Schuhe rus. ботинки … Sporto terminų žodynas
shoes — noun a particular situation (Freq. 1) If you were in my place what would you do? • Syn: ↑place • Derivationally related forms: ↑place (for: ↑place) … Useful english dictionary
Shoes That Fit — is a non profit organization based in Claremont, CA that provides shoes and other clothing to kids in need.Shoes That Fit began in 1992 helping children at one elementary school in Pomona, CA. Today, Shoes That Fit volunteers have programs in… … Wikipedia
Shoes (GUI) — Shoes est un toolkit expérimental de GUI simplifié basé sur le langage de programmation Ruby, et développé par Why the lucky stiff. Sa simplicité le rend idéal pour les débutants en programmation et pour l apprentissage. Shoes est disponible sous … Wikipédia en Français
Shoes (GUI toolkit) — Shoes is a simplified experimental GUI toolkit based on the Ruby Programming Language, developed by why the lucky stiff and others. It is used for education, and to allow easy access to programming for those with few skills or little experience… … Wikipedia