shock effect
Смотреть что такое "shock effect" в других словарях:
shock effect — smūgio bangos poveikis statusas T sritis apsauga nuo naikinimo priemonių apibrėžtis Tiesioginis ir netiesioginis naikinamasis poveikis, kurį sukelia smūgio banga. Tiesioginį poveikį sukelia smūgio bangos viršslėgis ir oro greičio spūdis;… … Apsaugos nuo naikinimo priemonių enciklopedinis žodynas
ground-shock effect — /ˈgraʊnd ʃɒk əˌfɛkt/ (say grownd shok uh.fekt) noun the destruction or damage of buildings, etc., as a result of shock waves transmitted through the ground (opposed to blast effect) …
Shock and awe — Shock and awe, technically known as rapid dominance, is a military doctrine based on the use of overwhelming power, dominant battlefield awareness, dominant maneuvers, and spectacular displays of force to paralyze an adversary s perception of the … Wikipedia
Shock hardening — is a process used to strengthen metals and alloys, wherein a shock wave produces atomic scale defects in the material s crystalline structure. As in cold work, these defects interfere with the normal processes by which metallic materials yield… … Wikipedia
Shock factor — is a commonly used figure of merit for estimating the amount of shock experienced by a naval target from an underwater explosion as a function of explosive charge weight, slant range, and depression angle (between vessel and charge).* R is the… … Wikipedia
Shock therapy — or shock treatment may refer to: A form of aversion therapy in which an electric shock is used as a negative stimulus Electroconvulsive therapy, or electroshock, a psychiatric treatment in which seizures are electrically induced in anaesthetized… … Wikipedia
shock — shock1 [shäk] n. [Fr choc < choquer: see SHOCK1 the vt.] 1. the impact of persons, forces, etc. in combat or collision 2. a) a sudden, powerful concussion; violent blow, shake, or jar [the shock of an earthquake] b) the result or effect of s … English World dictionary
Shock — Shock, n. [Cf. D. schok a bounce, jolt, or leap, OHG. scoc a swing, MHG. schoc, Icel. skykkjun tremuously, F. choc a shock, collision, a dashing or striking against, Sp. choque, It. ciocco a log. [root]161. Cf. {Shock} to shake.] 1. A quivering… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shock wave — shock waves also shockwave 1) N COUNT A shock wave is an area of very high pressure moving through the air, earth, or water. It is caused by an explosion or an earthquake, or by an object travelling faster than sound. The shock waves yesterday… … English dictionary
shock tactics — plural noun 1. Orig tactics of cavalry attacking in masses and depending for their effect on the force of impact 2. Any course of action aimed at achieving an object by means of suddenness and overwhelming force (figurative) • • • Main Entry:… … Useful english dictionary
shock probation — ☆ shock probation n. 〚from the theory that the shock of even a brief confinement may have a deterrent effect〛 the release on probation of a criminal after brief imprisonment * * * … Universalium