Shirr — Shirr, n. (Sewing) A series of close parallel runnings which are drawn up so as to make the material between them set full by gatherings; called also {shirring}, and {gauging}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shirr — to gather (cloth) on parallel threads, 1892, back formation from shirred (1847), from shirr (n.) elastic webbing, of unknown origin … Etymology dictionary
shirr — shirr·er; shirr; … English syllables
shirr — ☆ shirr [shʉr ] n. [< ?] SHIRRING vt. 1. to make shirring in (cloth or a garment) 2. to bake (eggs) in small buttered dishes, often with crumbs, cheese, etc … English World dictionary
shirr — verb a) To make gathers in textiles by drawing together parallel threads. But her favorite way to express their simplicity is to shirr them. Its an old fashioned technique that essentially means baking an egg. In her version, the eggs in ramekins … Wiktionary
shirr — [[t]ʃɜr[/t]] v. t. 1) clo to draw up or gather (cloth or the like) on three or more parallel threads 2) coo to bake (eggs removed from the shell), esp. in individual dishes 3) clo Also, shirr′ing. a shirred arrangement, as of cloth • Etymology:… … From formal English to slang
shirr|ing — «SHUR ihng», noun. a gathering of cloth by sewing with parallel threads and pulling on the threads … Useful english dictionary
shirr — transitive verb Etymology: origin unknown Date: 1891 1. to draw (as cloth) together in a shirring 2. to bake (eggs removed from the shell) until set … New Collegiate Dictionary
shirr — /sherr/, v.t. 1. to draw up or gather (cloth or the like) on three or more parallel threads. 2. to bake (eggs removed from the shell) in a shallow dish or in individual dishes. n. 3. Also, shirring. a shirred arrangement, as of cloth. [1840 50;… … Universalium
shirr — Synonyms and related words: bake, barbecue, baste, blanch, boil, braise, brew, broil, brown, cocker, cockle, coddle, cook, corrugate, crease, crimp, crimple, crinkle, crumple, curry, devil, do, do to perfection, fire, fricassee, frizz, frizzle,… … Moby Thesaurus
shirr — ʃɜr /ÊƒÉœË n. gathers created in a fabric by sewing parallel rows of running stitches v. create gathers in fabric by sewing parallel rows of running stitches … English contemporary dictionary