Смотреть что такое "shir" в других словарях:
shir — shir·a·ka·shi; shir·a·lee; shir·i·a·ná; shir·i·a·nan; shir·ley; shir·ra; shir·van; tab·a·shir; … English syllables
shir — obs. form of sir, shire n. and a … Useful english dictionary
Shir ha-Shirim Zutta — (Hebrew: שיר השירים זוטא) is a midrash, or, rather, homiletic commentary, on Canticles; referred to in the various Yalḳuṭim and by the ancient Biblical commentators as Midrash Shir ha Shirim, or Agadat Shir ha Shirim. CharacteristicsThe De… … Wikipedia
Shir Betar — (en español, Canción del Betar) es un poema compuesto por el líder sionista Zeev Jabotinsky en París en 1932. El Shir Betar fue inmediatamente adoptado como el himno del Movimiento Juvenil Sionista Betar. Jabotinsky realizó a través del Shir… … Wikipedia Español
Shir Khan — may refer to:* Shir Khan Bandar, a town in Afghanistan * Shir Khan Afghan Nasher, a person, uncle of Gholam Serwar Nasher * Shere Khan, a fictional tiger of the Indian jungle … Wikipedia
Shir Ali — Schir Ali Khan (auch Scher Ali, شير علي; * 1825; † 21. Februar 1879) war von 1863 bis 1866 und von 1868 bis zu seinem Lebensende Emir von Afghanistan. Leben Schir Ali war der Sohn und Nachfolger Dost Mohammeds, des Begründers der … Deutsch Wikipedia
Shir Ali Khan — Shir Ali Schir Ali Khan (auch Scher Ali, شير علي; * 1825; † 21. Februar 1879) war von 1863 bis 1866 und von 1868 bis zu seinem Lebensende Emir von Afghanistan. Leben Schir Ali war der Sohn und Nachfolger Dost Mohammeds, des Begründers der … Deutsch Wikipedia
Shir Khan Bandar — is a town in Afghanistan on the border with Tadzhikistan. Other names include: Shīr Khān, Qezel Qal‘eh, Shirhan, Sher Khan, Sherkhan Bandar, Seckhan Bandac, Sēċkhān Bandaċ, Gizil Qala, Qizil Qala, Qezel Qal‘a. Transport It is currently served via … Wikipedia
SHIR HA-MA'ALOT — (Heb. שִׁיר המַּצֲלוֹת; Song of Ascent ), superscription of Psalms 120–134 (see psalms ). (The superscription of Psalm 121, however, is Shir la Ma alot.) These psalms are now generally understood to have been sung by the pilgrims as they went up… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
SHIR HA-YIḤUD — (Heb. שִׁיר הַיִּחוּד; Hymn of Unity ), a lengthy medieval liturgical poem divided into seven parts, one for each day of the week, praising God, extolling His uniqueness, and emphasizing the smallness of His creatures. Poetic beauty and sublimity … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Shir LaShalom — ( he. שיר לשלום, lit. Song for Peace ) is a popular Israeli song that has come to be an anthem of the Israeli peace camp. The song was first written in 1969. The lyrics were by Yaakov Rotblit and the melody was written by Yair Rosenblum. Though… … Wikipedia