shipping operations

shipping operations

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "shipping operations" в других словарях:

  • Shipping Control Authority for the Japanese Merchant Marine — (SCAJAP) was an organization established by Allied occupation forces in Japan at the end of World War II.Purpose1. control over all ships greater than 100 gross tons operated by the Japanese.2. to provide the Japanese with a repatriation fleet,… …   Wikipedia

  • Operations Magazine — provides Multi Man Publishing with its own house organ for articles and discussion of its wargaming products. The first issue was produced in the summer of 1991 by The Gamers and was printed regularly until The Gamers were taken over by MMP. The… …   Wikipedia

  • operations research — the analysis, usually involving mathematical treatment, of a process, problem, or operation to determine its purpose and effectiveness and to gain maximum efficiency. [1940 45, Amer.] * * * Application of scientific methods to management and… …   Universalium

  • Operations research — For the academic journal, see Operations Research: A Journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. Operations research (also referred to as decision science, or management science) is an interdisciplinary… …   Wikipedia

  • Imperial Japanese Army Railways and Shipping Section — The Imperial Japanese Army Railway and Shipping Section was the logistics unit of the Imperial Japanese Army charged with shipping personnel, materiel and equipment from metropolitan Japan to the combat front overseas. TOC RailwayUnder it were… …   Wikipedia

  • List of naval and land-based operations in Mediterranean Sea area during World War II — Naval operations and land operations in regions and nations bordering the Mediterranean Sea, including Italy and French Riviera.Axis* Achse ( Axis ) (1943) flagicon|Germany|Nazi mdash; response to Italian defection. Final plan Achse represented… …   Wikipedia

  • Greek shipping — Shipping is arguably the oldest form of occupation of the Greeks. Greece has the largest merchant marine in the world at 170 mil. dwt, of which 50 mil.t. dwt under the Greek flag. [ [ en.pdf Review of Maritime …   Wikipedia

  • List of World War II military operations — This is a list of known World War II era military operations, and missions commonly associated with World War II. As of 2008 this is not a comprehensive list but most major operations which Axis and Allied combatants engaged in are included… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Axis named operations in the European Theatre — The list of Axis named operations in the European Theatre represents those military operations that received a codename, predominantly from the Wehrmacht commands. It does not represent all operations that were carried out by the Axis powers, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental impact of shipping — A cargo ship discharging ballast water into the sea. The environmental impact of shipping includes greenhouse gas emissions and oil pollution. Carbon dioxide emissions from shipping is currently estimated at 4 to 5 percent of the global total,… …   Wikipedia

  • Netherlands Maritime University Rotterdam; Master Shipping and Transport — The Netherlands Maritime University Rotterdam (STC NMU) is a specialised educational institute founded by the STC Group (Shipping and Transport College), Rotterdam.[1] It offers a specialised 40 week Master Shipping and Transport program that… …   Wikipedia

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