Смотреть что такое "ship-broker" в других словарях:
Ship broker — Broker Bro ker (br[=o] k[ e]r), n. [OE. brocour, from a word akin to broken, bruken, to use, enjoy, possess, digest, fr. AS. br[=u]can to use, enjoy; cf. Fries. broker, F. brocanteur. See {Brook}, v. t.] 1. One who transacts business for another; … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ship broker — Ship Ship, n. [OE. ship, schip, AS. scip; akin to OFries. skip, OS. scip, D. schip, G. schiff, OHG. scif, Dan. skib, Sw. skeep, Icel. & Goth. skip; of unknown origin. Cf. {Equip}, {Skiff}, {Skipper}.] 1. Any large seagoing vessel. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ship broker — noun an agent for the ship owner; obtains cargo and may arrange for its loading or discharge • Hypernyms: ↑agent, ↑factor, ↑broker * * * noun 1. : a mercantile agent employed in buying and selling ships 2. : a representative acting in behalf of… … Useful english dictionary
ship-broker — /ˈʃɪp broʊkə/ (say ship brohkuh) noun an agent who transacts business for shipowners, as procuring cargoes and arranging insurance, etc …
ship broker — An agent for the transaction of business between owners of ships and charterers or shippers. A person who negotiates the purchase and sale of ships and the business of freighting vessels. Little Rock v Barton, 33 Ark 436, 446 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Broker — Bro ker (br[=o] k[ e]r), n. [OE. brocour, from a word akin to broken, bruken, to use, enjoy, possess, digest, fr. AS. br[=u]can to use, enjoy; cf. Fries. broker, F. brocanteur. See {Brook}, v. t.] 1. One who transacts business for another; an… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ship — Ship, n. [OE. ship, schip, AS. scip; akin to OFries. skip, OS. scip, D. schip, G. schiff, OHG. scif, Dan. skib, Sw. skeep, Icel. & Goth. skip; of unknown origin. Cf. {Equip}, {Skiff}, {Skipper}.] 1. Any large seagoing vessel. [1913 Webster] Like… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ship biscuit — Ship Ship, n. [OE. ship, schip, AS. scip; akin to OFries. skip, OS. scip, D. schip, G. schiff, OHG. scif, Dan. skib, Sw. skeep, Icel. & Goth. skip; of unknown origin. Cf. {Equip}, {Skiff}, {Skipper}.] 1. Any large seagoing vessel. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ship boy — Ship Ship, n. [OE. ship, schip, AS. scip; akin to OFries. skip, OS. scip, D. schip, G. schiff, OHG. scif, Dan. skib, Sw. skeep, Icel. & Goth. skip; of unknown origin. Cf. {Equip}, {Skiff}, {Skipper}.] 1. Any large seagoing vessel. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ship bread — Ship Ship, n. [OE. ship, schip, AS. scip; akin to OFries. skip, OS. scip, D. schip, G. schiff, OHG. scif, Dan. skib, Sw. skeep, Icel. & Goth. skip; of unknown origin. Cf. {Equip}, {Skiff}, {Skipper}.] 1. Any large seagoing vessel. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ship breaker — Ship Ship, n. [OE. ship, schip, AS. scip; akin to OFries. skip, OS. scip, D. schip, G. schiff, OHG. scif, Dan. skib, Sw. skeep, Icel. & Goth. skip; of unknown origin. Cf. {Equip}, {Skiff}, {Skipper}.] 1. Any large seagoing vessel. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English