- ship's manifest
- судовая декларация (список всех партий товаров, находящихся на судне, подписанный капитаном)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Manifest — Man i*fest, n.; pl. {Manifests}. [Cf. F. manifeste. See {Manifest}, a., and cf. {Manifesto}.] 1. A public declaration; an open statement; a manifesto. See {Manifesto}. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] 2. A list or invoice of a ship s cargo, containing a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
manifest — [man′ə fest΄] adj. [ME < OFr manifeste < L manifestus, earlier manufestus, lit., struck by the hand, palpable, evident < manus, a hand (see MANUAL) + base akin to (in)festus: see INFEST] apparent to the senses, esp. that of sight, or to… … English World dictionary
manifest — n. 1) a plane s; ship s manifest 2) on a manifest * * * [ mænɪfest] ship s manifest a plane s on a manifest … Combinatory dictionary
manifest — /ˈmænəfəst / (say manuhfuhst), / fɛst/ (say fest) adjective 1. readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain: a manifest error. 2. Psychology apparent or disguising (used of conscious feelings and ideas… …
manifest — manifestable, adj. manifester, n. manifestly, adv. manifestness, n. /man euh fest /, adj. 1. readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain: a manifest error. 2. Psychoanal. of or pertaining to conscious… … Universalium
manifest — man·i·fest 1 / ma nə ˌfest/ adj 1: capable of being readily perceived by the senses and esp. by sight a manifest injury 2: capable of being easily understood or recognized: clearly evident, obvious, and indisputable vacating an arbitrator s award … Law dictionary
Manifest Destiny (The Outer Limits) — Manifest Destiny The Outer Limits episode Episode no. Season 6 Episode 4 Directed by Brad Turner Original air date … Wikipedia
Manifest — has different meanings. It may refer to the following: Arts Manifest (convention), the Melbourne Anime Festival Business Manifest Limited, the UK marketing company Computing Manifest file, a file that contains information about accompanying files … Wikipedia
manifest — Ⅰ. manifest [1] ► ADJECTIVE ▪ clear and obvious. ► VERB 1) show or demonstrate. 2) become apparent. 3) (of a ghost) appear. DERIVATIVES manifestly adverb … English terms dictionary
ship's papers — ship s′ pa′pers n. pl. navig. the documents legally required to be carried by an oceangoing vessel, as a certificate of registry, logbook, and cargo manifest • Etymology: 1655–65 … From formal English to slang
manifest — For maritime and air transport, the document listing the cargo on board the means of transport. The document may be used for customs purposes, subject to prior authorisation, when it contains the necessary particulars, in particular with regard… … Financial and business terms