ship wright
Смотреть что такое "ship wright" в других словарях:
ship|wright — «SHIHP RYT», noun. a person who builds or repairs ships … Useful english dictionary
Wright brothers — Orville Wright Photo: 1903 Born August 19 … Wikipedia
Wright R-790 — The Wright R 790 Whirlwind was a series of 9 cylinder air cooled radial aircraft engines built by Wright Aeronautical Corporation, all of which had a displacement of about 790 cubic inches (12.9 liters) and around 200 horsepower (150 kW). These… … Wikipedia
Wright — Recorded in several spellings including the popular Wright, as well as the much rarer forms of Wrighte, Wraight, Wraighte, Wreight, Wrate, and patronymics Wrightson and Wrixon, this is an early English surname. It is occupational and was used to… … Surnames reference
ship builder — noun 1. a carpenter who helps build and launch wooden vessels • Syn: ↑shipwright, ↑shipbuilder • Hypernyms: ↑wright 2. a person who builds ships as a business • Syn: ↑shipbuilder … Useful english dictionary
USS Wright (AV-1) — The USS Wright (AZ 1/AV 1) was a one of a kind auxiliary ship in the United States Navy, named for aviation pioneer Orville Wright. Originally the unnamed hull no. 680 was laid down at Hog Island, Pennsylvania by the American International… … Wikipedia
Jerauld Wright — during its commissioning and fitting out period. [ Warrior among Diplomats , p. 100 101, 105 107; [ ii.htm USS Sequoia (AG 23)] DANFS Naval Historical Center] Bureau of OrdnanceWright developed an… … Wikipedia
USS Wright (CVL-49) — The second USS Wright (CVL 49) was a Saipan class light aircraft carrier of the United States Navy, later converted to the command ship CC 2. The ship was named after the Wright brothers. Wright was laid down on 21 August 1944 at Camden, New… … Wikipedia
Fortunatus Wright — (3 May 1712 – 1757) was an English privateer.Early lifeFortunatus Wright’s early days are unrecorded, he may have followed the sea as a boy, but by his twenties he had settled down as a brewer and distiller. MarriagesIn 1732 he married Martha… … Wikipedia
Jack Wright — was the hero of a popular series of Victorian science fiction dime novels and story papers written by Luis Senarens, the so called American Jules Verne . A few stories are also credited to Francis W. Doughty. Jack appeared in original stories… … Wikipedia
Creen v Wright — Court Common Pleas Division Date decided 10 May 1876 Citation(s) (1875 76) LR 1 CPD 591 Case opinions Lord Coleridge CJ, Archibald LJ and Lindley LJ Creen v Wright (1875 76) LR 1 CPD 591 is an … Wikipedia