
ˈʃɪnɪ сущ. вид хоккея;
клюшка, шайба в этой игре преим (американизм) хоккей (с упрощенными правилами) , детский хоккей преим (американизм) примитивная хоккейная клюшка преим (американизм) играть в детский хоккей (американизм) (разговорное) влезать, взбираться (на дерево, столб;
обыкн. * up) shinny, shinty вид хоккея shinny, shinty вид хоккея

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "shinny" в других словарях:

  • Shinny — (or shinney) is an informal type of hockey played on ice or the street. There are no formal rules or specific positions, and generally, there are no goaltenders. The goal areas at each end may be marked simply by objects, such as blocks of snow,… …   Wikipedia

  • shinny up — ˈshinny up [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they shinny up he/she/it shinnies up present participle shinnying up past tense shinnied up …   Useful english dictionary

  • shinny — shinny1 [shin′ē] n. pl. shinnies [prob. < SHIN1] 1. a simple form of hockey, esp. as played by children 2. the curved stick or club used in this game vi. shinnied, shinnying to play shinny: Also sp. shinney …   English World dictionary

  • shinny — UK [ˈʃɪnɪ] / US verb Word forms shinny : present tense I/you/we/they shinny he/she/it shinnies present participle shinnying past tense shinnied past participle shinnied Phrasal verbs: shinny up …   English dictionary

  • shinny up — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms shinny up : present tense I/you/we/they shinny up he/she/it shinnies up present participle shinnying up past tense shinnied up past participle shinnied up American informal shinny up something to shin up a… …   English dictionary

  • shinny — I shin•ny [[t]ˈʃɪn i[/t]] n. pl. nies, 1) spo a simple variety of hockey, played with a ball or the like, and clubs curved at one end 2) spo the club used 3) spo to play shinny 4) spo to drive the ball at shinny • Etymology: 1665–75; var. of shin …   From formal English to slang

  • shinny — shinny1 /shin ee/, n., pl. shinnies, v., shinnied, shinnying. n. 1. a simple variety of hockey, played with a ball, block of wood, or the like, and clubs curved at one end. 2. the club used. v.i. 3. to play shinny. 4. to drive the ball at shinny …   Universalium

  • shinny — 1. verb To climb in an awkward manner. 2. noun a) An informal game of pickup hockey played with minimal equipment: skates, sticks and a puck or ball. Miss Maudie Atkinson baked a Lane cake so loaded with shinny it made me tight; …   Wiktionary

  • shinny — shin|ny [ ʃıni ] verb shinny up phrasal verb transitive AMERICAN INFORMAL shinny up something to climb up a tree, rope, etc. quickly, using your hands and legs …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • shinny — {{11}}shinny (n.) also shinney, primitive form of hockey, 1670s, perhaps from Gael. sinteag a bound, a leap. {{12}}shinny (v.) to climb a rope, pole, etc., 1888, from use of shins and ankles to do so; see SHIN (Cf. shin) …   Etymology dictionary

  • shinny — Canadian Slang [shin ee] hockey played in the street Let s go play some shinny …   English dialects glossary

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