- shikaree
- ʃɪˈkærɪ индийск.;
сущ. охотник(-туземец) (работающий проводником) инд. n охотник(-туземец) shikaree, shikari инд. охотник(-туземец) shikaree, shikari инд. охотник(-туземец)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Shikaree — Shi*ka ree, Shikari Shi*ka ri n. [Hind.] A sportsman; esp., a native hunter. [India] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shikaree — noun see shikari * * * shikarˈee or shikarˈi noun 1. A hunter, esp of big game 2. A professional, esp indigenous, hunting guide 3. A sportsman • • • Main Entry: ↑shikar * * * shikaree see … Useful english dictionary
shikaree — shi·ka·ree … English syllables
Shikari — Shikaree Shi*ka ree, Shikari Shi*ka ri n. [Hind.] A sportsman; esp., a native hunter. [India] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Complete List of Jasoosi Dunya (New) — Jasoosi Dunya ( The Spy World ) is a best selling series of Urdu spy novels written from 1952 by Ibn e Safi. These novels have been republished as 42 volumes such that each volume now combines multiple (1 4) books from previous publication.# (… … Wikipedia
List of Jasoosi Dunya (New) — Jasoosi Dunya ( The Spy World ) is a best selling series of Urdu spy novels written from 1952 by Ibn e Safi. These novels have been republished as 42 volumes such that each volume now combines multiple (1 4) books from previous publication.… … Wikipedia
shikari — /shi kahr ee/, n., pl. shikaris. (in India) a person who hunts big game, esp. a professional guide or hunter. Also, shikaree. [1815 25; < Urdu < Pers] * * * … Universalium
shikari — /ʃəˈkæri/ (say shuh karee) noun (plural shikaris) (in India) a hunter or guide. Also, shikaree. {Hindi sikārī, from Persian} …
shikar — n. hunting; game; v.i. & t. hunt (animal) as sport. ♦ shikaree, ♦ shakari, ♦ shakary, n. (big game) hunter … Dictionary of difficult words
shikari — or shikaree [shi kä′rē] n. [Hindi shikāri < Pers shikār, a hunt] in India, a hunter, esp. a native hunter who serves as a guide … English World dictionary