shift-jump instruction

shift-jump instruction
команда перехода (по значению кода) со сдвигом

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "shift-jump instruction" в других словарях:

  • Shift Right — Jeu d instruction x86 Article détaillé : Jeu d instructions. Le jeu d instructions du x86 a subi de nombreux changements au cours du temps. La plupart d entre eux ne sont que des ajouts au jeu d instruction initial afin d apporter de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jeu D'instruction X86 — Article détaillé : Jeu d instructions. Le jeu d instructions du x86 a subi de nombreux changements au cours du temps. La plupart d entre eux ne sont que des ajouts au jeu d instruction initial afin d apporter de nouvelles fonctionnalités.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jeu d'instruction x86 — Article détaillé : Jeu d instructions. Le jeu d instructions du x86 a subi de nombreux changements au cours du temps. La plupart d entre eux ne sont que des ajouts au jeu d instruction initial afin d apporter de nouvelles fonctionnalités.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • PDP-8 — A PDP 8 on display at the Smithsonian s National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.. This example is from the first generation of PDP 8s, built with discrete transistors and later known as the Straight 8. The 12 bit PDP 8 was the… …   Wikipedia

  • X86 assembly language — is the assembly language for the x86 class of processors, which includes Intel s Pentium series and AMD s Athlon series. Like all assembly languages, it uses short mnemonics to represent the fundamental operations that the CPU in a computer can… …   Wikipedia

  • Microcode — is a layer of hardware level instructions and/or data structures involved in the implementation of higher level machine code instructions in many computers and other processors; it resides in special high speed memory and translates machine… …   Wikipedia

  • CDC 6600 — The CDC 6600 was a mainframe computer from Control Data Corporation, first delivered in 1964. It is generally considered to be the first successful supercomputer, outperforming its fastest predecessor, IBM 7030 Stretch, by about three times. It… …   Wikipedia

  • Branch (computer science) — For other uses, see Branch (disambiguation). A branch is sequence of code in a computer program which is conditionally executed depending on whether the flow of control is altered or not (at the branching point). The term can be used when… …   Wikipedia

  • HP 2100 — The HP 2100 was a series of minicomputers produced by Hewlett Packard from the mid 1960s to early 1990s. The 2100 was also a specific model in this series. The series would be renamed to HP 1000 by the 1970s and sold as real time computers… …   Wikipedia

  • Mel Kaye — In programming folklore Mel Kaye is an archetypical Real Programmer. Kaye was formerly a programmer at Royal McBee Computer Corporation. Ed Nather’s The Story of Mel details Mel’s prowess at programming.Matt Crawford… …   Wikipedia

  • Turing machine equivalents — Turing machine(s) Machina Universal Turing machine Alternating Turing machine Quantum Turing machine Read only Turing machine Read only right moving Turing Machines Probabilistic Turing machine Multi track Turing machine Turing machine… …   Wikipedia

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