Смотреть что такое "sherry-cobbler" в других словарях:
Sherry cobbler — Sherry Sher ry, n. [So called from Xeres, a Spanish town near Cadiz, x in Spanish having been formerly pronounced like sh in English.] A Spanish light colored dry wine, made in Andalusia. As prepared for commerce it is colored a straw color or a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sherry Cobbler — Sherry Cobbler, amerikan. Getränk aus Sherry, gestoßenem Eis, Zucker und Zitrone oder Orange, bisweilen mit Himbeer , Erdbeer oder Ananassaft und einem Löffel Curassao. S. wird durch Strohhalme oder seine Glasröhren langsam eingeschlürft … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
sherry cobbler — a cobbler drink made with sherry, sliced fruits, and ice. [1800 10] * * * sherry cobbler, a drink of sherry, sugar, lemon, and water … Useful english dictionary
sherry-cobbler — sherry cobbˈler noun A drink made up of sherry, lemon, sugar, ice, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑sherry … Useful english dictionary
sherry cobbler — a cobbler drink made with sherry, sliced fruits, and ice. [1800 10] * * * … Universalium
sherry — [ ʃeri ] n. m. • 1819; mot angl., transcription de Jerez ♦ Anglic. Xérès. « sherrys pâles et secs pour l apéritif » (Morand). ⊗ HOM. Chéri, cherry. ● sherry, sherrys ou sherries nom masculin (anglais sherry) Nom donné par les Anglais au jerez. ●… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Cobbler — Cob bler, n. 1. A mender of shoes. Addison. [1913 Webster] 2. A clumsy workman. Shak. [1913 Webster] 3. A beverage. See {Sherry cobbler}, under {Sherry}. [1913 Webster] {Cobbler fish} (Zo[ o]l.), a marine fish ({Blepharis crinitus}) of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cobbler fish — Cobbler Cob bler, n. 1. A mender of shoes. Addison. [1913 Webster] 2. A clumsy workman. Shak. [1913 Webster] 3. A beverage. See {Sherry cobbler}, under {Sherry}. [1913 Webster] {Cobbler fish} (Zo[ o]l.), a marine fish ({Blepharis crinitus}) of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sherry — (engl., spr. scherri, verstümmelt aus Jerez), starker span. Wein aus der Umgegend von Jerez de la Frontera und zwischen dem Unterlauf des Guadalquivir und Guadalete. Sorten: Dry S., Montilla oder Amontillado, Manzanilla, Pajarete, Tinto di Rota… … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Sherry — Sher ry, n. [So called from Xeres, a Spanish town near Cadiz, x in Spanish having been formerly pronounced like sh in English.] A Spanish light colored dry wine, made in Andalusia. As prepared for commerce it is colored a straw color or a deep… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sherry — This article is about the type of wine. For other uses, see Sherry (disambiguation). A glass of amontillado sherry with olives Sherry is a fortified wine made from white grapes that are grown near the town of Jerez (Jerez de la Frontera), Spain.… … Wikipedia