sheltered life
Смотреть что такое "sheltered life" в других словарях:
life — W1S1 [laıf] n plural lives [laıvz] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(time somebody is alive)¦ 2¦(state of being alive)¦ 3¦(way somebody lives)¦ 4¦(particular situation/job)¦ 5 social/personal/sex etc life 6¦(human existence)¦ 7¦(time when something exists/works)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
sheltered — shel|tered [ˈʃeltəd US ərd] adj 1.) a sheltered life/childhood/upbringing etc a life etc in which someone has been too protected by their parents from difficult or unpleasant experiences ▪ I had led a sheltered life and had never met prejudice… … Dictionary of contemporary English
sheltered — [[t]ʃe̱ltə(r)d[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED A sheltered place is protected from wind and rain. ...a shallow sloping beach next to a sheltered bay. 2) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n If you say that someone has led a sheltered life, you mean that they have been… … English dictionary
sheltered — adjective 1 a sheltered life/childhood/existence etc a life etc in which someone has been too protected from difficult or unpleasant experience: Marian s sheltered upbringing had left her unprepared for such extreme poverty. 2 a place that is… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
sheltered — UK [ˈʃeltə(r)d] / US [ˈʃeltərd] adjective 1) a sheltered place is not affected by bad weather These plants will flourish in a sunny sheltered position. 2) someone who has had a sheltered life has not had the usual unpleasant experiences that most … English dictionary
sheltered — shel|tered [ ʃeltərd ] adjective 1. ) a sheltered place is not affected by bad weather: These plants will flourish in a sunny sheltered position. 2. ) someone who has had a sheltered life has not had the usual unpleasant experiences that most… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
sheltered — adjective 1) a sheltered stretch of water Syn: protected, screened, shielded, covered; shady; cozy 2) she led a sheltered life Syn: secluded, cloistered, isolated, protected, withdrawn … Thesaurus of popular words
sheltered — adjective 1) a sheltered stretch of water Syn: protected, tranquil, still, shady 2) a sheltered life Syn: protected, cloistered, insulated, privileged, secure, safe, quiet … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
sheltered — /shel teuhrd/, adj. 1. protected or shielded from storms, missiles, etc., by a wall, roof, barrier, or the like. 2. protected from the troubles, annoyances, sordidness, etc., encountered in competitive situations: a sheltered life. 3. (of a… … Universalium
sheltered — (adj.) protected from the usual hardships of life, 1888, pp. adjective from SHELTER (Cf. shelter) (v.) … Etymology dictionary
Life on Mars — For other uses, see Life on Mars (disambiguation). An artist s impression of what Mars surface and atmosphere may look like if Mars were terraformed. Scientists have long speculated about the possibility of life on Mars owing to the planet s… … Wikipedia