shell side

shell side
внетрубная [межтрубная] зона теплообменника

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "shell side" в других словарях:

  • Shell and tube heat exchanger — A shell and tube heat exchanger is a class of heat exchanger designs. [ cite book|author=Sadik Kakaç and Hongtan Liu|title=Heat Exchangers: Selection, Rating and Thermal Design|edition=2nd Edition|publisher=CRC Press|year=2002|id=ISBN 0849309026] …   Wikipedia

  • Shell plating — is the outer most structure on the hull of a steel or aluminum ship or boat. It is the structural element that renders the hull watertight. Strakes A strake is the name given to each line of planking in a wooden vessel. [Kemp, The Oxford… …   Wikipedia

  • Shell Mex House — is at 80, Strand, London, UK. Broadly speaking in an Art Deco style, it was designed by Ernest Joseph, a Jewish architect who was a leading designer of synagogues, including the Art Deco style synagogue at Sheepcote Street, Birmingham, and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Shell Creek — is a tributary of the Bighorn River, approximately 50 mi (50 km) long, in Wyoming in the United States. Lying entirely within Big Horn County, Shell Creek begins above the Shell Lakes in the Bighorn Mountains. Starting at an elevation of over… …   Wikipedia

  • Shell cordovan — (or cordovan) is a type of leather commonly used in shoemaking. Cordovan is an equine leather made from the fibrous flat muscle (or shell) beneath the hide on the rump of the horse. [cite book| last = Baldwin | first = William Henry | title = The …   Wikipedia

  • Shell Mera — Infobox City official name = Shell Mera imagesize = 320px image caption = A view of Shell Mera from the GMU campus pushpin subdivision type = Country subdivision type1 = Province subdivision type2 = Canton subdivision name = Ecuador subdivision… …   Wikipedia

  • Shell-Skript — Skriptsprachen (häufig auch Scriptsprachen) sind Programmiersprachen, die vor allem für kleine, überschaubare Programmieraufgaben gedacht sind. Sie verzichten oft auf bestimmte Sprachelemente, deren Nutzen erst bei der Bearbeitung größerer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Shell money — Chinese shell money, 16 8th century BCE. Shell money is a medium of exchange that was once common. It consisted either of whole sea shells or pieces of them which were worked into beads or otherwise artificially shaped. The use of shells in trade …   Wikipedia

  • shell — Synonyms and related words: Eustachian tube, L, R, acting area, aim at, alveolation, alveolus, ante up, antrum, anvil, apron, apron stage, armadillo shell, armature, armor, armor plate, armpit, atom, atomic model, attack, auditory apparatus,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • side-necked turtle — ▪ reptile       any species of turtle belonging to the families Chelidae, Pelomedusidae, and Podocnemididae. The common name is derived from the animal s defensive posture. Instead of retracting the head and neck into the shell for protection,… …   Universalium

  • side — n. [A.S. side, side] (MOLLUSCA: Gastropoda) The surface of a shell, when present, between the shoulder and abapical suture or margin of the base …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

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