shell roof

shell roof
тонкостенное пространственное покрытие

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "shell roof" в других словарях:

  • shell roof — noun : a roof of relatively large expanse (as of a hangar or arena) composed of concrete panels curved cylindrically or spherically for strength …   Useful english dictionary

  • shell — less, adj. shell like, adj. /shel/, n. 1. a hard outer covering of an animal, as the hard case of a mollusk, or either half of the case of a bivalve mollusk. 2. any of various objects resembling such a covering, as in shape or in being more or… …   Universalium

  • shell — [shel] n. [ME schelle < OE sciel, akin to MDu schelle < IE base * (s)kel : see SHELF] 1. a hard outer covering, as of a turtle, mollusk, insect, egg, fruit, seed, etc. 2. something like or suggestive of a shell in being hollow, empty, or… …   English World dictionary

  • Roof — A roof is the covering on the uppermost part of a building. A roof protects the building and its contents from the effects of weather. Structures that require roofs range from a letter box to a cathedral or stadium, dwellings being the most… …   Wikipedia

  • roof — rooflike, adj. /roohf, roof/, n., pl. roofs, v. n. 1. the external upper covering of a house or other building. 2. a frame for supporting this: an open timbered roof. 3. the highest part or summit: The Himalayas are the roof of the world. 4.… …   Universalium

  • Shell Grotto — The Shell Grotto is an ornate subterranean passageway in Margate, Kent. Almost all the surface area of the walls and roof is covered in mosaics created entirely of seashells, totalling about 2,000 square feet (190 m2) of mosaic, or 4.6… …   Wikipedia

  • Roof construction — This article is about house construction that consists of beams and an outer weatherproof skin, as found on most domestic architecture. Such roofs may take a number of different shapes. Construction of a ridged roofA simple ridged roof consists… …   Wikipedia

  • Shell Grotto, Margate — The Shell Grotto off Grotto Hill, Margate, consists of a winding subterranean passageway, about convert|8|ft|m|abbr=on high and convert|70|ft|m|abbr=on in length, terminating in a rectangular room (the altar chamber) approximately… …   Wikipedia

  • shell — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 on eggs/nuts/some animals ADJECTIVE ▪ empty, hard, outer, protective, thick ▪ She had built up a protective shell around herself. (figurative) ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • shell — /ʃɛl / (say shel) noun 1. a hard outer covering of an animal, as the hard case of a mollusc, or either half of the case of a bivalve mollusc. 2. any of various objects resembling a shell, as in shape, or in being more or less concave or hollow. 3 …  

  • shell — [[t]ʃɛl[/t]] n. 1) zool. a hard outer covering of an animal, as of a clam, snail, lobster, or turtle 2) zool. the material constituting any of various coverings of this kind 3) zool. the hard exterior of an egg 4) bot the usu. hard outer covering …   From formal English to slang

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