Смотреть что такое "sheik(h)" в других словарях:
Sheik — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Sheik (homonymie). Sheik Légende {{{légende}}} Série The Legend of Zelda … Wikipédia en Français
Sheik — (シーク, Shīku?) es el nombre del álter ego de la princesa Zelda en el videojuego The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time publicado originalmente en la videoconsola Nintendo 64. Historia Impa se llevó a Zelda al tomar Ganondorf el castill … Wikipedia Español
Sheik — may refer to:*Sheikh, an honorific term *Sheik, a fictional character from The Legend of Zelda * The Sheik (film), a silent film *A condom made by Durexee also*Sheikh (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
sheik — sheik; sheik·dom; sheik·ly; … English syllables
sheik — UK [ʃeɪk] / UK [ʃiːk] / US [ʃɪk] / US [ʃeɪk] or sheikh UK / US noun [countable] Word forms sheik : singular sheik plural sheiks 1) a male leader in an Arab country. The area or country that he rules is called a sheikdom. 2) a Muslim religious… … English dictionary
sheik|a — «SHEE kuh», noun. the wife of a sheik: »He [Sheik Al Fassi] was picking up $50,000 a month in expenses for the sheika and cut it off when she decided she d had enough of her marriage (New York Post). ╂[< Arabic shaikha, feminine of shaikh] … Useful english dictionary
Sheik — Sheik, n. [Ar. sheikh, shaykh, a venerable old man, a chief, fr. sh[=a]kha to grow or be old.] The head of an Arab family, or of a clan or a tribe; also, the chief magistrate of an Arab village. The name is also applied to Mohammedan… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sheik — head of an Arab family, also head of a Muslim religious order, 1570s, from Arabic shaykh chief, lit. old man, from base of shakha to grow old. Popularized by The Sheik, novel in Arabian setting by E.M. Hull (1919), and movie version The Sheikh,… … Etymology dictionary
sheik — or sheikh [shēk;shāk] n. [Ar shaikh, lit., old man < shākha, to grow old] 1. the chief of an Arab family, tribe, or village 2. an official in the Muslim religious organization 3. [after E. M. Hull s novel, The Sheik (1921)] [Old Slang] Slang… … English World dictionary
sheik|ly — or sheikh|ly «SHEEK lee; especially British SHAYK lee», adjective. of, having to do with, or characteristic of a sheik … Useful english dictionary
Sheik — Sheik, so v.w. Scheik … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon