sheet of surface

sheet of surface
мат. лист поверхности

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sheet of surface" в других словарях:

  • Sheet metal embossing — is a process for producing raised or sunken designs or relief in sheet metal. This process can be made by means of matched male and female roller dies, or by passing sheet or a strip of metal between rolls of the desired pattern.Albert Gilles was …   Wikipedia

  • Sheet film — is large format and medium format photographic film supplied on individual sheets of acetate or polyester film base rather than rolls. Sheet film was initially supplied as an alternative to glass plates. The most popular size measures 4×5 inches; …   Wikipedia

  • sheet — W2S2 [ʃi:t] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(for a bed)¦ 2¦(paper)¦ 3¦(thin flat piece)¦ 4¦(large flat area)¦ 5¦(of rain/fire)¦ 6¦(on a ship)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [: Old English; Origin: scyte] 1.) ¦(FO …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • sheet — sheet1 [shēt] n. [ME schete < OE sceat, piece of cloth, lappet, region, akin to Ger schoss, lap, ON skaut, lappet: for prob. IE base see SHOOT] 1. a large, rectangular piece of cotton, linen, etc., used on a bed, usually in pairs, one under… …   English World dictionary

  • Surface photovoltage — (SPV) measurements are a widely used method to determine the minority carrier diffusion length of semiconductors. Since the transport of minority carriers determines the behavior of the p n junctions that are ubiquitous in semiconductor devices,… …   Wikipedia

  • Sheet — may refer to:* Sheet, a villiage in Hampshire * Bed sheet, a piece of cloth used to cover a mattress * Sheet (sailing), a rope, cable or chain used to control a sail * The playing surface in the sport of curling * A piece of paper * A level or… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface efficace radar — Surface équivalente radar Pour les articles homonymes, voir SER et Surface (homoymie). Exemple de diagramme de surface équivalente radar (d après Skolnik) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Surface equivalente radar — Surface équivalente radar Pour les articles homonymes, voir SER et Surface (homoymie). Exemple de diagramme de surface équivalente radar (d après Skolnik) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • sheet — [n] coating, covering; page area, blanket, coat, expanse, film, foil, folio, lamina, layer, leaf, membrane, overlay, pane, panel, piece, plate, ply, slab, stratum, stretch, surface, sweep, veneer; concepts 172,270,475,484 …   New thesaurus

  • sheet|ing — «SHEE tihng», noun. 1. a cotton or linen cloth, as for bedsheets: »heavy industrial cloth, such as “sheetings” used in cloth bags, auto upholstery and other industrial products (Wall Street Journal). 2. a lining or covering of timber or metal,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cylindric(al) sheet guiding surface — Цилиндрическая листонаправляющая поверхность …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

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