shed light
Смотреть что такое "shed light" в других словарях:
shed light on — (something) to make something clearer. Experts hope the plane s flight recorders will shed light on the cause of the crash. The latest study could throw light on why older people are the only ones affected. Related vocabulary: put a spotlight on… … New idioms dictionary
shed light — If you shed light on something, you make it clearer and easier to understand … The small dictionary of idiomes
shed light on — index clarify Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
shed light on — verb make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear (Freq. 2) Could you clarify these remarks? Clear up the question of who is at fault • Syn: ↑clear, ↑clear up, ↑crystallize, ↑crystallise, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
shed light — If you shed light on something, you make it clearer and easier to understand. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** If you shed light on something, you help to explain it or make it easier to understand. It was hoped that the testimony… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
shed\ light\ on — • cast light (up)on • shed light (up)on • throw light (up)on v. phr. To explain; illuminate; clarify. The letters that were found suddenly cast a new light on the circumstances of Tom s disappearance. Einstein s General theory of Relativity threw … Словарь американских идиом
shed light on — ► throw (or cast or shed) light on help to explain by providing further information. Main Entry: ↑light … English terms dictionary
shed light on something — shed light on (something) to make something clearer. Experts hope the plane s flight recorders will shed light on the cause of the crash. The latest study could throw light on why older people are the only ones affected. Related vocabulary: put a … New idioms dictionary
shed light upon — index comment, elucidate, enlighten, explain, explicate, exposit, resolve (solve), solve … Law dictionary
shed\ light\ upon — • cast light (up)on • shed light (up)on • throw light (up)on v. phr. To explain; illuminate; clarify. The letters that were found suddenly cast a new light on the circumstances of Tom s disappearance. Einstein s General theory of Relativity threw … Словарь американских идиом
shed light on sth — cast/shed light on sth ► to show something about a situation that was previously unknown: »This sheds new light on why e business investment does not always lead to improved firm performance. Main Entry: ↑light … Financial and business terms