sheave I

sheave I
v вязать (снопы)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sheave I" в других словарях:

  • Sheave — Sheave, n. [Akin to OD. schijve orb, disk, wheel, D. schiff, G. scheibe, Icel. sk[=i]fa a shaving, slice; cf. Gr. ??? a staff. Cf. {Shift}, v., {Shive}.] A wheel having a groove in the rim for a rope to work in, and set in a block, mast, or the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sheave — sheave·less; sheave·man; sheave; …   English syllables

  • Sheave — Sheave, v. t. [See {Sheaf} of straw.] To gather and bind into a sheaf or sheaves; hence, to collect. Ashmole. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sheave — (v.) to gather up in sheaves, 1570s; see SHEAF (Cf. sheaf) …   Etymology dictionary

  • sheave — sheave1 [shēv, shiv] n. [ME sheve, var. of schive < OE * scife, akin to Ger scheibe, disk < IE * skeip < base * skei , to cut > SHEATH] a wheel with a grooved rim, such as is mounted in a pulley block to guide the rope or cable;… …   English World dictionary

  • sheave — sheave1 /sheev/, v.t., sheaved, sheaving. to gather, collect, or bind into a sheaf or sheaves. [1570 80; deriv. of SHEAF] sheave2 /shiv, sheev/, n. 1. a pulley for hoisting or hauling, having a grooved rim for retaining a wire rope. 2. a wheel… …   Universalium

  • sheave — I [[t]ʃiv[/t]] v. t. sheaved, sheav•ing agr. to gather, collect, or bind into a sheaf or sheaves • Etymology: 1570–80; der. of sheaf II sheave [[t]ʃɪv, ʃiv[/t]] n. 1) mac a pulley for hoisting or hauling, having a grooved rim for retaining a rope …   From formal English to slang

  • Sheave hole — Sheave Sheave, n. [Akin to OD. schijve orb, disk, wheel, D. schiff, G. scheibe, Icel. sk[=i]fa a shaving, slice; cf. Gr. ??? a staff. Cf. {Shift}, v., {Shive}.] A wheel having a groove in the rim for a rope to work in, and set in a block, mast,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sheave (mechanical) — A sheave (pronounced shiv ) is a wheel or roller with a groove along its edge for holding a belt, rope or cable. When hung between two supports and equipped with a belt, rope or cable, one or more sheaves make up a pulley. The words sheave and… …   Wikipedia

  • sheave-block — /ˈʃiv blɒk/ (say sheev blok) noun an iron or wooden shell on a ship, etc., containing a revolving sheave or sheaves through which a rope runs …  

  • sheave — I. noun Etymology: Middle English sheve; akin to Old High German scība disk Date: 14th century a grooved wheel or pulley (as of a pulley block) II. transitive verb (sheaved; sheaving) Etymology: sheaf Date: 1598 to gather and bind into a sheaf …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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