shear sheep
Смотреть что такое "shear sheep" в других словарях:
Shear — (sh[=e]r), v. t. [imp. {Sheared}or {Shore};p. p. {Sheared} or {Shorn}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Shearing}.] [OE. sheren, scheren, to shear, cut, shave, AS. sceran, scieran, scyran; akin to D. & G. scheren, Icel. skera, Dan. ski?re, Gr. ???. Cf. {Jeer},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shear / sheer — Shear means to cut off : We shear sheep s wool in the spring and we shear the hedges in the summer. Sheer means pure, unadulterated : Felicity found the amusement park a sheer pleasure. Sheer also means transparent : Perry Winkle hung sheer … Confused words
shear / sheer — Shear means to cut off : We shear sheep s wool in the spring and we shear the hedges in the summer. Sheer means pure, unadulterated : Felicity found the amusement park a sheer pleasure. Sheer also means transparent : Perry Winkle hung sheer … Confused words
shear — shearer, n. shearless, adj. /shear/, v., sheared, sheared or shorn, shearing, n. v.t. 1. to cut (something). 2. to remove by or as if by cutting or clipping with a sharp instrument: to shear wool from sheep … Universalium
shear — [[t]ʃɪər[/t]] v. sheared, sheared shorn, shear•ing, 1) to cut (something) 2) ahb. to remove by or as if by cutting or clipping: to shear wool from sheep[/ex] 3) ahb. to cut or clip the hair, fleece, wool, etc., from: to shear sheep[/ex] 4) to… … From formal English to slang
sheep — n. 1) to raise, rear (BE) sheep 2) to shear sheep 3) sheep baa, bleat, go baa 4) a flock, herd of sheep 5) the meat of the sheep is mutton 6) a young sheep is a lamb; its meat is lamb 7) a female sheep is a ewe 8) a male sheep is a ram 9) (misc.) … Combinatory dictionary
shear — Ako, oki, āmū. ♦ To shear sheep, ako hulu hipa … English-Hawaiian dictionary
Sheep shearing — Sheep shearing, shearing or clipping is the process by which the woollen fleece of a sheep is cut off. The person who removes the sheep s wool is called a shearer . Typically each adult sheep is shorn once each year (a sheep may be said to have… … Wikipedia
shear — vb Shear, poll, clip, trim, prune, lop, snip, crop are comparable when they mean to cut off something (as a piece, an excrescence, or a limb). Shear is the most general word of this group; it usually implies the use of a sharp cutting instrument… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
shear´er — shear «shihr», verb, sheared or (Archaic) shore, sheared or shorn, shear|ing, noun. –v.t. 1. to cut with shears or scissors, especially in order to remove (wool or fleece): »to shear wool from sheep … Useful english dictionary
sheep|shear|er — «SHEEP SHIHR uhr», noun. 1. a person who shears sheep. 2. a machine for shearing sheep … Useful english dictionary