shear force

shear force

1. поперечная сила
2. сдвигающее усилие, усилие сдвига
3. срезающее усилие

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "shear force" в других словарях:

  • shear force — noun A force that tends to cause sliding of adjacent layers relative to each other, in a material • • • Main Entry: ↑shear …   Useful english dictionary

  • shear force — šlyties jėga statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. shear force vok. Scherkraft, f; Schubkraft, f rus. сила сдвига, f; усилие сдвига, n pranc. effort de déplacement, m …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Shear and moment diagram — Shear and bending moment diagrams are analytical tools used in conjunction with structural analysis to help perform structural design by determining the value of shear force and bending moment at a given point of an element. Using these diagrams… …   Wikipedia

  • Shear and moment diagrams — Shear and bending moment diagrams are analytical tools used in conjunction with structural analysis to help perform structural design by determining the value of shear force and bending moment at a given point of an element. Using these diagrams… …   Wikipedia

  • Shear stress — SI symbol: τ SI unit: pascal Derivations from other quantities: τ = F / A …   Wikipedia

  • Shear strength (soil) — Shear strength in reference to soil is a term used to describe the maximum strength of soil at which point significant plastic deformation or yielding occurs due to an applied shear stress. There is no definitive shear strength of a soil as it… …   Wikipedia

  • Shear flow — is: : in a solid body, the gradient of a shear stress force through the body; : in a fluid, it is the flow induced by such a force gradient see Viscosity for a fuller treatment.DimensionsIn solid mechanics, shear flow is given in dimensions of… …   Wikipedia

  • shear — I. verb (sheared; sheared or shorn; shearing) Etymology: Middle English sheren, from Old English scieran; akin to Old Norse skera to cut, Latin curtus mutilated, curtailed, Greek keirein to cut, shear, Sanskrit kṛnāti he injures Date: before 12th …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • shear centre — noun The point where a shear force can act without producing any twist in the section. In general not the centroid, but a point through which a force transverse to the axis of a beam section can act and not cause any twisting of the beam section …   Wiktionary

  • shear — a system of internal forces whose resultant is a force acting perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of a structural member or assembly sometimes called shear force …   Mechanics glossary

  • Shear modulus — SI symbol: G SI unit: gigapascal Derivations from other quantities: G = τ / γ …   Wikipedia

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