- shawm
- ʃɔ:m сущ. средневековый музыкальный инструмент, похожий на гобой средневековый музыкальный инструмент типа гобоя shawm средневековый музыкальный инструмент типа гобоя
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Shawm — Classification Double reed Related instruments Sorna Rhaita Suona Sopil … Wikipedia
Shawm — Shawm, n. [OE. shalmie, OF. chalemie; cf. F. chalumeau shawm, chaume haulm, stalk; all fr. L. calamus a reed, reed pipe. See {Haulm}, and cf. {Calumet}.] (Mus.) A wind instrument of music, formerly in use, supposed to have resembled either the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shawm — /shawm/, n. an early musical woodwind instrument with a double reed: the forerunner of the modern oboe. [1300 50; ME schalme < MF chaume < L calamus stalk, reed < Gk kálamos reed; r. ME schallemele < MF chalemel (see CHALUMEAU)] * * * Double reed … Universalium
shawm — (n.) medieval oboe like instrument, mid 14c., schalmeis (pl.), also schallemele (late 14c.), from O.Fr. chalemie, chalemel, from L.L. calamellus, lit. a small reed, dim. of L. calamus reed, from Gk. kalamos. Mistaken as a plural and trimmed of… … Etymology dictionary
shawm — [shôm] n. [ME schalme < MFr chalemie, altered < OFr chalamel < LL calamellus, dim. of L calamus, reed: see CALAMUS] an early double reed wind instrument resembling the oboe … English World dictionary
Shawm — El shawm es un instrumento de viento de lengüeta doble, predecesor del oboe. Su campanilla y pared interior cónicas son más amplias que las del oboe. Una rueda llamada pirueta, por lo común da soporte a los labios del músico. Los shawms eran… … Wikipedia Español
shawm — noun /ʃɔːm/ a mediaeval double reed wind instrument with conical wooden body , 1985: There are four flutes, a harp of twenty strings, a mournful shawm, and a number of drums of oxhide, some to be struck, others spanked. Anthony Burgess, Kingdom… … Wiktionary
shawm — /ʃɔm/ (say shawm) noun an early woodwind instrument with a double reed, forerunner of the modern oboe. {Middle English schallemelle, from Old French chalemel, from Late Latin calamellus little pipe, from Latin calamus reed} …
shawm — noun Etymology: Middle English (Scots) schalme, alteration of Middle English shalemie, from Middle French chalemie, ultimately from Latin calamus reed more at calamus Date: 15th century an early double reed woodwind instrument … New Collegiate Dictionary
Shawm — A wind instrument similar to an oboe, with a double reed. [< MdEngl. shallemalle < OldFr. chalemel < Lat. calamus = reed] … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
shawm — ʃɔËm n. ancient wind instrument that had a double mouthpiece (predecessor of the oboe) … English contemporary dictionary