Смотреть что такое "shawl-goat" в других словарях:
Shawl goat — Shawl Shawl, n. [Per. & Hind. sh[=a]l: cf. F. ch[^a]le.] A square or oblong cloth of wool, cotton, silk, or other textile or netted fabric, used, especially by women, as a loose covering for the neck and shoulders. [1913 Webster] {India shawl}, a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shawl goat — noun Etymology: so called from the use of its fur in weaving shawls : kashmir goat … Useful english dictionary
Shawl — Shawl, n. [Per. & Hind. sh[=a]l: cf. F. ch[^a]le.] A square or oblong cloth of wool, cotton, silk, or other textile or netted fabric, used, especially by women, as a loose covering for the neck and shoulders. [1913 Webster] {India shawl}, a kind… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Shawl — A shawl (Persian شال, Shāl, from Sanskrit: साडी śāṭī [ [ Shawl in The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000] ] ) is a simple item of clothing, loosely worn over the… … Wikipedia
India shawl — Shawl Shawl, n. [Per. & Hind. sh[=a]l: cf. F. ch[^a]le.] A square or oblong cloth of wool, cotton, silk, or other textile or netted fabric, used, especially by women, as a loose covering for the neck and shoulders. [1913 Webster] {India shawl}, a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shawl — shawlless, adj. shawllike, adj. /shawl/, n. a square, triangular, or oblong piece of wool or other material worn, esp. by women, about the shoulders, or the head and shoulders, in place of a coat or hat outdoors, and indoors as protection against … Universalium
shawl — [17] The shawl was originally an Oriental garment – an oblong strip of cloth worn variously over the shoulders, round the waist, or as a turban, and supposedly woven from the hair of a species of Tibetan goat. Versions of it did not begin to be… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
shawl — [17] The shawl was originally an Oriental garment – an oblong strip of cloth worn variously over the shoulders, round the waist, or as a turban, and supposedly woven from the hair of a species of Tibetan goat. Versions of it did not begin to be… … Word origins
Orenburg shawl — The Orenburg Shawl is one of the classic symbols of Russian handicraft, along with along with Tula Samovar, Matrioshka, Khohloma painting, Gzhel, Palekh, Vologda lace, Dymkovo toys, Rostov finift (enamel), and Ural malachite. This type of finely… … Wikipedia
kashmir shawl — ▪ textile also spelled Cashmere, type of woolen shawl woven in Kashmir. According to tradition, the founder of the industry was Zayn ul ʿĀbidīn, a 15th century ruler of Kashmir who introduced weavers from Turkistan. Although woolen shawls… … Universalium
shairl — [shairl spurious word: see shawl ( goat). ] … Useful english dictionary