sharply transitive
Смотреть что такое "sharply transitive" в других словарях:
Group action — This article is about the mathematical concept. For the sociology term, see group action (sociology). Given an equilateral triangle, the counterclockwise rotation by 120° around the center of the triangle acts on the set of vertices of the… … Wikipedia
Difference set — For the concept of set difference, see complement (set theory). In combinatorics, a (v,k,λ) difference set is a subset D of a group G such that the order of G is v, the size of D is k, and every nonidentity element of G can be expressed as a… … Wikipedia
percuss — transitive verb Etymology: Latin percussus, past participle of percutere Date: 1560 to tap sharply; especially to practice percussion on … New Collegiate Dictionary
rebuff — transitive verb Etymology: Middle French rebuffer, from Old Italian ribuffare to reprimand, from ribuffo reprimand Date: circa 1586 to reject or criticize sharply ; snub • rebuff noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
Mathieu group — Group theory Group theory … Wikipedia
drop — 1 verb FALL/ALLOW TO FALL 1 (T) to stop holding or carrying something so that it falls: I must have dropped my scarf on the bus. | The dog dropped a stick at George s feet. 2 FALL (I) to fall suddenly, especially from a high place: A bottle… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
linguistics — /ling gwis tiks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) the science of language, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and historical linguistics. [1850 55; see LINGUISTIC, ICS] * * * Study of the nature and structure of… … Universalium
turn — turn1 [ tɜrn ] verb *** ▸ 1 change position ▸ 2 change direction ▸ 3 make circular movement ▸ 4 do/become something else ▸ 5 become particular age ▸ 6 move page to other side ▸ 7 about stomach ▸ 8 milk: become sour ▸ 9 affect game/fight ▸ 10… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
fall — ▪ I. fall fall 1 [fɔːl ǁ fɒːl] verb fell PASTTENSE [fel] fallen PASTPART [ˈfɔːlən ǁ ˈfɒː ] 1. [intransitive] to go down to a lower price, level, amount etc: • Sales of new passenger cars in Europe fell 9.6% … Financial and business terms
logic, history of — Introduction the history of the discipline from its origins among the ancient Greeks to the present time. Origins of logic in the West Precursors of ancient logic There was a medieval tradition according to which the Greek philosopher … Universalium
drop — The difference between the prices in a dollar roll on the two settlement dates. The drop is expressed in 32nds. The drop is the price that the buyer of the dollar roll pays to the seller for the right to own the mortgage security and receive its… … Financial and business terms