Смотреть что такое "shapeup" в других словарях:
shapeup — shape·up or shape up (shāpʹŭp ) n. An assembled group of dock workers from which the day s work crew is chosen by a representative of the union. * * * … Universalium
shapeup — noun a gathering of labourers, where employers hire them for day jobs … Wiktionary
International Longshoremen's Association — Infobox Union name= ILA country= United States, Canada affiliation= AFL CIO, CLC, ITF members= 65,000 (2006)ref|members full name= International Longshoremen s Association native name= founded= 1892 current= head= dissolved date= dissolved state … Wikipedia
Gyan vihar — is educational projected founded by late Suresh Sharma with Founder chairman Sunil Sharma and Director Dr Sudhanshu, Due to relentless effort of trio it has gain wide reputation in the field of technical education, The Foundation stone was laid… … Wikipedia
10 000 (nombre) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir 10 000. 10 000 Cardinal dix mille Ordinal … Wikipédia en Français
shape-up — /shayp up /, n. 1. an act or instance of shaping up. 2. a former method of hiring longshoremen in which the applicants appeared daily at the docks and a union hiring boss chose those who would be given work. Also, shapeup. [1940 45; n. use of v.… … Universalium