shaped stone

shaped stone
искусственно округленный алмаз

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "shaped stone" в других словарях:

  • Stone|henge — «STOHN HEHNJ», noun. a prehistoric ruin in southern England, near Salisbury, consisting of huge slabs or megaliths of roughly shaped stone in a circular arrangement. It may have been a kind of observatory used by astronomers …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stone carving — is an ancient activity where pieces of rough natural stone are shaped by the controlled removal of stone. Owing to the permanence of the material, evidence can be found that even the earliest societies indulged in some form of stone work.Work… …   Wikipedia

  • Stone sculpture — is the result of forming 3 dimensional visually interesting objects from stone.Carving stone into sculpture is an activity older than civilization itself. Prehistoric sculptures were usually human forms, such as the Venus of Willendorf and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Stone sealer — Stone Porosity All natural stone is porous, which means it has interconnected capillaries through which liquids and gases can move. In fact, porous materials act like a hard sponge and actually suck in liquids over time, along with any dissolved… …   Wikipedia

  • stone — ► NOUN 1) hard, solid non metallic mineral matter of which rock is made. 2) a small piece of stone found on the ground. 3) a piece of stone shaped for a purpose, especially to commemorate something or to mark out a boundary. 4) a gem. 5) a hard… …   English terms dictionary

  • stone — [stōn] n. [ME < OE stan, akin to Du steen, Ger stein < IE base * stāi , to become thick, compress, stiffen > L stiria, a drop (< stilla), Gr stear, tallow] 1. the hard, solid, nonmetallic mineral matter of which rock is composed 2. a… …   English World dictionary

  • Stone mastic asphalt — was developed in Germany in the 1960 s, Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) provides a deformation resistant, durable surfacing material, suitable for heavily trafficked roads. SMA has found use in Europe, Australia, the United States, and Canada as a… …   Wikipedia

  • Stone palette — Stone palettes, also called Toilet trays, are round trays commonly found in the areas of Bactria and Gandhara, which usually represent Greek mythological scenes. Some of them are attributed to the Indo Greek period in the 2nd and 1st century BCE… …   Wikipedia

  • Stone Quarry Hill Art Park — is a public, outdoor art park located in Cazenovia, New York. It consists of 108 acres (44 ha) of land and over four miles of hiking trails. Founded by Dorothy and Robert Riester, it became an official venue in 1991 and is one of the first art… …   Wikipedia

  • stone|works — «STOHN WURKS», noun (plural). 1. a factory or shop where stone is cut and shaped for building, or ornamental work; stonecutter s establishment. 2. a place where stoneware is made …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stone Mountain — Stone′ Moun′tain n. geg a dome shaped granite outcrop in NW Georgia, near Atlanta: sculptures of Confederate heroes. 1686 ft. (514 m) high …   From formal English to slang

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