shape defect
Смотреть что такое "shape defect" в других словарях:
shape defect — Смотри дефект формы … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Defect (geometry) — For other uses, see Defect. In geometry, the (angular) defect (or deficit or deficiency) means the failure of some angles to add up to the expected amount of 360° or 180°, when such angles in the plane would. The opposite notion is the excess.… … Wikipedia
formal defect — defect which is regular in shape … English contemporary dictionary
Welding defect — A welding defect is any flaw that compromises the usefulness of the finished weldment. According to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) welding defect causes are broken down into the following percentages: 41% poor process… … Wikipedia
Casting defect — A casting defect is an irregularity in the metal casting process that is undesired. Some defects can be tolerated while others can be repaired otherwise they must be eliminated. They are broken down into five main categories: gas porosity,… … Wikipedia
Migraines associated with PFO heart defect — PFO, or patent foramen ovale, is a heart valve in humans that usually closes off at or shortly after birth. The valve’s function is to let the circulating blood bypass the lungs, which the body doesn t rely on until a newborn starts breathing air … Wikipedia
Abdominal wall defect — Classification and external resources ICD 10 Q79 ICD 9 756.7 An infant … Wikipedia
дефект формы — [shape defect] отклонение формы изделия от заданной технологическим условиями (напр, кривизна, неплоскостность, серповидность и т.д.). Смотри также: Дефект дефект упаковки радиационный дефект … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
ДЕФЕКТ ФОРМЫ — [shape defect] отклонение формы изделия от заданной технологическими условиями (например, кривизна, неплоскостность, серповидность и т.д.) … Металлургический словарь
дефект формы — Отклонение формы изделия от заданной технологич. условиями (напр, кривизна, неплоскостность, серповидность и т.д.). [] Тематики металлургия в целом EN shape defect … Справочник технического переводчика
Rhinoplasty — For the album by Primus, see Rhinoplasty (album). Rhinoplasty Intervention Rhinoplasty: The lower lateral cartilage (greater alar cartilage) exposed for plastic modification via the left nostril … Wikipedia