shape analysis

shape analysis
мат. анализ формы

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "shape analysis" в других словарях:

  • Shape analysis — This article describes shape analysis to analyze and process geometric shapes. The shape analysis described here is related to the statistical analysis of geometric shapes, to shape matching and shape recognition. It applies purely to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Shape analysis (software) — Shape analysis is a static code analysis technique that discovers and verifies properties of linked, dynamically allocated data structures in (usually imperative) computer programs. It is typically used at compile time to find software bugs or to …   Wikipedia

  • Statistical shape analysis — is a geometrical analysis from a set of shapes in which statistics are measured to describe geometrical properties from similar shapes or different groups, for instance, the difference between male and female Gorilla skull shapes, normal and… …   Wikipedia

  • Shape theory (mathematics) — Shape theory is part of the mathematical field of topology. Its overall goal is to extend results from homotopy theory for spaces with good local properties, like CW complexes, to compact metric spaces or compact Hausdorff spaces.Shape theory was …   Wikipedia

  • Shape theory — refers to three different theories:* Shape theory in topology * Shape analysis in mathematics and computer science * Shape theory of olfaction …   Wikipedia

  • Shape — The shape (OE. sceap Eng. created thing ) of an object located in some space refers to the part of space occupied by the object as determined by its external boundary abstracting from other aspects the object may have such as its colour, content …   Wikipedia

  • Shape factor (image analysis and microscopy) — Shape factors are dimensionless quantities used in image analysis and microscopy that numerically describe the shape of a particle, independent of its size. Shape factors are calculated from measured dimensions, such as diameter, chord lengths,… …   Wikipedia

  • Shape optimization — is part of the field of optimal control theory. The typical problem is to find the shape which is optimal in that it minimizes a certain cost functional while satisfying given constraints. In many cases, the functional being solved depends on the …   Wikipedia

  • Shape factor — can refer to one of number of values in physics, engineering or image analysis. Typically, a shape factor refers to a value that is affected by an object s shape but is independent of its dimensions.In physics: * A band pass filter performance… …   Wikipedia

  • Shape context — is the term given by Serge Belongie and Jitendra Malik to the feature descriptor they first proposed in their paper Matching with Shape Contexts in 2000cite conference author = S. Belongie and J. Malik title = Matching with Shape Contexts url =… …   Wikipedia

  • Shape Memory Polymer — Shape Memory Polymers (SMPs) are polymer materials which may be returned from a deformed state to their original shape or permanent configuration via an external stimulus. The external stimulus is usually temperature, as in the case of thermally… …   Wikipedia

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