- shanties
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Shanties — Ein Shanty (englisch auch chanty aus dem Französischen: chanter = singen) ist ein Seemannslied. Shantys sind Lieder der Matrosen zu gemeinschaftlicher harten Arbeit auf Segelschiffen vor dem Mast und lassen sich in ihrem Ursprung bis ca. 1450… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Shanties — Shanty Shan ty, n.;pl. {Shanties}. [Said to be fr. Ir. sean old + tig. a house.] A small, mean dwelling; a rough, slight building for temporary use; a hut. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shanties — shan·ty || ʃæntɪ n. shack, crude hut; sailor s song, chantey … English contemporary dictionary
SHANTIES — … Useful english dictionary
sea shanties — Sea shanties, a sub genre of folk *song, were songs sung on board sailing ships to assist with the hard manual work involved by providing rhythmic co ordination among the team of workers and also enlivening their toil. The basic pattern of a… … A Dictionary of English folklore
Hannes Wader singt Shanties — Studioalbum von Hannes Wader Veröffentlichung 1978 Label Philips Genre … Deutsch Wikipedia
Aether Shanties — Æther Shanties Album par Abney Park Sortie 2009 Genre Indus Électronique Steampunk Label Abney Park … Wikipédia en Français
Sea Shanties (Spiers and Boden album) — is an album by Ian Giles, Spiers and Boden and Graham Metcalfe.Most of the tracks are sung as an unaccompanied quartet of male voices. The sound is so thick that there is probably only one microphone. There are two instrumental tracks. This… … Wikipedia
Sea shanty — For the song Sea Shanty by Quasi, see Featuring Birds For the album Sea Shanties by English band High Tide, see High Tide (band). Sailors sang shanties while performing shipboard labor A shanty (also spelled chantey , chanty ) is a type of work… … Wikipedia
Folk music of England — Pentangle performing in 2007 Folk music of England refers to various types of traditionally based music, often contrasted with courtly, classical and later commercial music, for which evidence exists from the later medieval period. It has been… … Wikipedia
shanty — shanty1 shantylike, adj. /shan tee/, n., pl. shanties, adj., v., shantied, shantying. n. 1. a crudely built hut, cabin, or house. adj. 2. of, pertaining to, or constituting a shanty or shanties: a shanty quarter outside the town walls. 3. of a… … Universalium