shank shoe

shank shoe
упорный бурт ниппеля (для бурильных труб)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "shank shoe" в других словарях:

  • Shank — can refer to: * Lead shank, a type of lead used for difficult horses * Shank (sewing), a sewing specific shank include button shanks and thread shanks * The long, narrow part of a screw or nail * Shank, part of a ship s anchor * Shank (weapon), a …   Wikipedia

  • shank — [shaŋk] n. [ME shanke < OE scanca, akin to Ger schenkel, thigh < IE base * (s)keng , to limp > Gr skazein, Ger hinken] 1. the lower part of the leg; part between the knee and ankle in humans or a part like this in animals 2. the whole… …   English World dictionary

  • shoe — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. footwear; footgear; sandal, espadrille, boot, loafer, casual, sneaker; runner, [tire] casing; [brake] lining. See clothing. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. footwear, foot covering. Types of shoes include:… …   English dictionary for students

  • shank — /shangk/, n. 1. Anat. the part of the lower limb in humans between the knee and the ankle; leg. 2. a corresponding or analogous part in certain animals. See diag. under horse. 3. the lower limb in humans, including both the leg and the thigh. 4.… …   Universalium

  • shank — /ʃæŋk / (say shangk) noun 1. that part of the leg in humans between the knee and the ankle. 2. a part in certain animals corresponding or analogous to the human shank. 3. the whole leg. 4. a cut of meat from the top part of the front (fore shank) …  

  • Shank (footwear) — In a boot or shoe, the shank is a part of the supportive structure between the insole and outsole. A common feature of backpacking and/or mountaineering boots is a steel shank .External links* …   Wikipedia

  • shank — I. noun Etymology: Middle English shanke, from Old English scanca; akin to Old Norse skakkr crooked, Greek skazein to limp Date: before 12th century 1. a. the part of the leg between the knee and the ankle in humans or the corresponding part in… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • shank — [[t]ʃæŋk[/t]] n. 1) anat. a) the part of the lower limb in humans between the knee and the ankle b) zool. the corresponding part in other vertebrates 2) anat. the lower limb; the entire leg 3) coo a cut of meat from the top part of the front… …   From formal English to slang

  • shank cutter — noun 1. : end mill 2. : a device for trimming the edges of outsoles in the shank of a shoe …   Useful english dictionary

  • shank — noun 1》 a person s leg, especially the lower participle     ↘the lower part of an animal s foreleg, especially as a cut of meat. 2》 a long, narrow part of a tool connecting the handle to the operational end.     ↘the stem of a key, spoon, anchor …   English new terms dictionary

  • shank — n. 1 a the leg. b the lower part of the leg; the leg from knee to ankle. c the shin bone. 2 the lower part of an animal s foreleg, esp. as a cut of meat. 3 a shaft or stem. 4 a the long narrow part of a tool etc. joining the handle to the working …   Useful english dictionary

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