
(персидское) шахи (мелкая медная монета)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "shahi" в других словарях:

  • Shahi — For a town in Bareilly District, India see Shahi, Uttar Pradesh. Obv: Recumbent bull facing left, trishula on bulls rump, Devnagari Legends : Sri Spalapati Deva. Rev: Rider bearing lance on caparisoned horse facing right. Obv: Rider bearing lance …   Wikipedia

  • Shahi — Unter dem Wort Shahi werden verschiedene Begriffe verstanden: Shahi (Herrscher), eine Herrscherdynastie in Teilen von Afghanistan und Pakistan (ab dem 6. Jahrhundert) Shahi (Münze), eine persische Münze Shahi Qila, die Zitadelle in der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Shahi — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Personnalités Agha Shahi (1920 2006), homme politique pakistanais. Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi (1941 2001), chef religieux musulman pakistanais. Sarah Shahi… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Shahi — Original name in latin Shhi Name in other language Shahi, Shhi State code IN Continent/City Asia/Kolkata longitude 28.54946 latitude 79.3169 altitude 178 Population 16064 Date 2012 10 06 …   Cities with a population over 1000 database

  • Shahi paneer — (also called Kadai Paneer, Paneer Butter Masala) (Devanagari शाही पनीर) is a preparation of Cheese, Cream and Tomato Curry. It is thick, creamy and spicy stew prepared therefrom, a mainstay of Indian cuisine.It is primarily a punjabi dish most… …   Wikipedia

  • Shahi Eidgah — is an open prayer hall situated in Sylhet three kilometers to the north east of the circuit house, meant for the Eid prayers. More than 100,000 people can perform prayer at same time in this Eidgah. It is also one of the most visited tourist… …   Wikipedia

  • Shahi Baaja — Le shahi baaja (« instrument royal »[précision nécessaire]) est un instrument à cordes pincées indien de la famille des cithares[N …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Shahi, Uttar Pradesh — Infobox Indian Jurisdiction native name = Shahi | type = city | latd = 28.55 | longd = 79.32 locator position = right | state name = Uttar Pradesh district = Bareilly leader title = leader name = altitude = 171 population as of = 2001 population… …   Wikipedia

  • Shahi baaja — The Indian Shahi Baaja (literally, the Royal Instrument) is is an electricified mountain dulcimer, a cross between a keyboard and a guitar. It is often accompanied with a built in 12 string swarmandal . The shahi baaja is the same the Indian… …   Wikipedia

  • Shahi (Münze) — 20 Shahi Münze, Safi II., 1690 Shahi ist eine alte persische Silbermünze im Wert von 50 Dinar. Die Münze wurde ab 1501 als Silber , später auch als Kupfermünze geprägt. Der Shahi Sefid aus Silber wurde zum Neujahrsfest als Glücksbringer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Shāhi Family — ▪ Asian dynasty also called  Shāhiya,         dynasty of some 60 rulers who governed the Kābul valley (in Afghanistan) and the old province of Gandhāra from the decline of the Kushān empire in the 3rd century AD. The word Shāhi, the title of the… …   Universalium

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