Смотреть что такое "shaddock" в других словарях:
Shaddock — can refer to* NATO codenames for Soviet missiles: **P 5 Pyatyorka (SS N 3 Shaddock) **SPU 35V Redut (SSC 1B Shaddock)*Citrus fruit: ** Pomelo (pummelo), Citrus maxima ** Grapefruit, Citrus × paradisi * Captain Shaddock, who introduced the pomelo… … Wikipedia
Shaddock — Shad dock, n. [Said to be so called from a Captain Shaddock, who first brought this fruit from the East Indies.] (Bot.) A tree ({Citrus decumana}) and its fruit, which is a large species of orange; called also {forbidden fruit}, and {pompelmous} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shaddock — [shad′ək] n. [after Capt. Shaddock, who first carried this fruit from the East to the West Indies (late 17th c.)] 1. a large, yellow, coarsegrained, pear shaped citrus fruit resembling a grapefruit 2. the citrus tree (Citrus grandis) it grows on … English World dictionary
shaddock — /shad euhk/, n. pomelo. [1690 1700; named after Captain Shaddock, 17th century Englishman who brought the seed to the West Indies from the East Indies] * * * ▪ plant also called Pummelo (Citrus grandis), citrus tree of the family Rutaceae,… … Universalium
shaddock — [17] The shaddock is a large citrus fruit, similar to a grapefruit. Its name commemorates one Captain Shaddock, the commander of an East India Company ship who at some point in the late 17th century stopped off at Jamaica en route from the East… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
shaddock — [17] The shaddock is a large citrus fruit, similar to a grapefruit. Its name commemorates one Captain Shaddock, the commander of an East India Company ship who at some point in the late 17th century stopped off at Jamaica en route from the East… … Word origins
shaddock — /ˈʃædək/ (say shaduhk) noun 1. → pomelo. 2. the tree which bears the shaddock fruit. {named after Captain Shaddock, 17th century English sea captain, who brought the seed from the East Indies to Jamaica} …
shaddock — noun Etymology: Captain Shaddock, 17th century English ship commander Date: 1696 pomelo 2 … New Collegiate Dictionary
Shaddock — This interesting surname is of Anglo Saxon origin, and is a locational name from any of the places thus called. Chadwick in Lancashire and Worcestershire were recorded as Chaddewyk in the Coucher Book of Whalley Abbey (1180), and as Cheddewic in… … Surnames reference
shaddock — [ ʃadək] noun another term for pomelo. Origin C17: named after Captain Shaddock, who introduced it to the West Indies … English new terms dictionary
shaddock — shad•dock [[t]ˈʃæd ək[/t]] n. bot (boi pln) pomelo • Etymology: 1690–1700; after Captain Shaddock, Englishman who introduced the seed to the West Indies … From formal English to slang