Смотреть что такое "shad" в других словарях:
shad — shad; shad·ber·ry; shad·chan; shad·dock; shad·er; shad·i·ly; shad·i·ness; shad·ow·er; shad·ow·gram; shad·ow·graph; shad·ow·graph·ic; shad·ow·graph·ist; shad·ow·graphy; shad·ow·i·ly; shad·ow·i·ness; shad·ow·less; shad·ow·ly; upan·i·shad; shad·ow;… … English syllables
Shad — (sh[a^]d), n. sing. & pl. [AS. sceadda a kind of fish, akin to Prov. G. schade; cf. Ir. & Gael. sgadan a herring, W. ysgadan herrings; all perhaps akin to E. skate a fish.] (Zo[ o]l.) Any one of several species of food fishes of the Herring… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shad — /shad/, n., pl. (esp. collectively) shad, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) shads. 1. a deep bodied herring, Alosa sapidissima, of Europe and North America, that migrates up streams to spawn, used for food. 2. any other fish of the … Universalium
Shad — bezeichnet: USS Shad, verschiedene Schiffe der US Navy Project SHAD, Chemiewaffenprogramm Sad (Arabischer Buchstabe) im Jawi Alphabet Shad ist der Name folgender Personen: Gauhar Shad, Timuridenkönigin Shad (Rapper), kanadischer Rapper … Deutsch Wikipedia
shad´i|ly — shad|y «SHAY dee», adjective, shad|i|er, shad|i|est. 1. in the shade; shaded. SYNONYM(S): shadowy. 2 … Useful english dictionary
shad|y — «SHAY dee», adjective, shad|i|er, shad|i|est. 1. in the shade; shaded. SYNONYM(S): shadowy. 2 … Useful english dictionary
shad´ow|i|ly — shad|ow|y «SHAD oh ee», adjective. 1. having much shadow or shade; shady: »We are glad to leave the hot sun and come into the cool, shadowy room. SYNONYM(S): dark, obscure. 2. like a shadow; dim, faint, or slight: »We saw a shadowy outline on the … Useful english dictionary
shad|ow|y — «SHAD oh ee», adjective. 1. having much shadow or shade; shady: »We are glad to leave the hot sun and come into the cool, shadowy room. SYNONYM(S): dark, obscure. 2. like a shadow; dim, faint, or slight: »We saw a shadowy outline on the window… … Useful english dictionary
shad — [shad] n. pl. shad or shads [OE sceadd, akin to Norw dial. skadd, prob. < IE base * skēt , to leap, spring up] any of various marine or freshwater clupeid fishes; esp., a) an American coastal food fish (Alosa sapidissima) b) a species… … English World dictionary
Shad — (Palm Beach,Южно Африканская Республика) Категория отеля: Адрес: Houlton Dr, 4275 Palm Beach … Каталог отелей
Shad — (engl., spr. schädd), der Maifisch (s. Alse) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon