Sextodecimo — Sex to*dec i*mo, a. [L. sextus decimus the sixteenth; sextus the sixth (fr. sex six) + decimus the tenth, from decem ten. See { mo}.] Having sixteen leaves to a sheet; of, or equal to, the size of one fold of a sheet of printing paper when folded … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sextodecimo — [seks΄tō des′ə mō΄] n. pl. sextodecimos [< L (in) sextodecimo, (in) sixteen, abl. of sextusdecimus, sixteenth] SIXTEENMO … English World dictionary
Sextodecimo — Sex to*dec imo, n.; pl. {Sextodecimos}. A book composed of sheets each of which is folded into sixteen leaves; hence, indicating, more or less definitely, a size of a book; usually written 16mo, or 16[deg]. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sextodecimo — /sek stoh des euh moh /, n., pl. sextodecimos, adj. Print. n. 1. sixteenmo (def. 1). adj. 2. sixteenmo (def. 3). [1680 90; < L sextodecimo, abl. sing. of sextusdecimus sixteenth] * * * … Universalium
sextodecimo — A book or manuscript of the next size smaller than an duodecimo. Sextodecimo is abbreviated 16mo, sometimes pronounced sixteen mo. The next smaller size is vicesimo quarto. Also see bookbinding, folio, quarto, signature, tricesimo segundo … Glossary of Art Terms
sextodecimo — sex•to•dec•i•mo [[t]ˌsɛk stoʊˈdɛs əˌmoʊ[/t]] n. pl. mos pri sixteenmo 1) • Etymology: 1680–90; < L sextōdecimō, abl. sing. of sextusdecimus sixteenth … From formal English to slang
sextodecimo — /sɛkstoʊˈdɛsəmoʊ/ (say sekstoh desuhmoh) noun (plural sextodecimos) 1. a volume printed from sheets folded to form 16 leaves or 32 pages. Abbrev.: 16mo or 16° –adjective 2. in sextodecimo. Also, sixteenmo. {Latin, ablative singular of… …
sextodecimo — noun (plural mos) Etymology: Latin, ablative of sextus decimus sixteenth, from sextus sixth + decimus tenth more at dime Date: 1688 sixteenmo … New Collegiate Dictionary
sextodecimo — noun a) A size of a sheet of paper resulting from folding and cutting a sheet of paper into sixteenths (3.25 5 x 5 6.25 ). b) A book consisting of pages of that size. Syn: 16mo, sixteenmo, 16°, S … Wiktionary
sextodecimo — sex·to·dec·i·mo || ‚sekstəʊ desɪməʊ n. page size of a book made up of sheets folded into 16 leaves (32 pages); book that consists of sheets where each sheet is folded into six leaves … English contemporary dictionary
sextodecimo — [ˌsɛkstə(ʊ) dɛsɪməʊ] (abbrev.: 16mo) noun (plural sextodecimos) a size of book page that results from folding each printed sheet into sixteen leaves (thirty two pages). Origin C17: from L. sexto decimo, ablative of sextus decimus sixteenth … English new terms dictionary