
1. прил. происходящий, повторяющийся на шестой день (о лихорадке)
2. сущ. шестидневная лихорадка (медицина) повторяющийся с промежутком в шесть дней, шестидневный (о лихорадке) sextan мед. происходящий на шестой день;
шестидневный ~ шестидневная лихорадка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sextan" в других словарях:

  • sextan — /sek steuhn/, adj. 1. (of a fever) characterized by paroxysms that recurevery sixth day. n. 2. a sextan fever. [1650 60; < NL sextan(a) (febris) sixth day (fever), equiv. to L sext(us) SIXTH + ana AN] * * * …   Universalium

  • sextan — /sek steuhn/, adj. 1. (of a fever) characterized by paroxysms that recurevery sixth day. n. 2. a sextan fever. [1650 60; < NL sextan(a) (febris) sixth day (fever), equiv. to L sext(us) SIXTH + ana AN] …   Useful english dictionary

  • sextan — /ˈsɛkstən/ (say sekstuhn) adjective 1. (of a fever, etc.) characterised by paroxysms which recur every sixth day. –noun 2. a sextan fever or ague. {New Latin sextāna (from Latin sextus sixth), shortened form of sextāna febris} …  

  • sextan — Denoting a malarial fever the paroxysms of which recur every sixth day, counting the day of the episode as the first; i.e., with a four day asymptomatic interval. [L. sextus, sixth] …   Medical dictionary

  • Sextan — a Soviet class of trawlers …   Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games

  • sextan — n. fever which recurs every 6 days adj. recurring every 6 days (about fever) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • sextan —   a. (fever) recurring after six days (i.e. every fifth day) …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • Christine Flowers — 1994 Christine Flowers (Cape Fear, North Carolina, 1 July 1960) is an American singer/actor. Her musical repertoire consists of verve like jazz standards. Contents 1 Early life …   Wikipedia

  • List of Latin words with English derivatives — This is a list of Latin words with derivatives in English (and other modern languages). Ancient orthography did not distinguish between i and j or between u and v. Many modern works distinguish u from v but not i from j. In this article both… …   Wikipedia

  • Ages of consent in Europe — The ages of consent for sexual activity vary by jurisdiction across Europe. The Vatican City has the lowest age of consent in Europe (set at 12) while Turkey and Malta have the highest, set at 18. The law can also stipulate the specific… …   Wikipedia

  • Erika (tanker) — Erika was the name of a tanker built in 1975 and last chartered by Total Fina Elf. She sank off the coast of France in 1999, causing one of the greatest environmental disasters in the world. Erika was one of eight sister ships built in Japan.… …   Wikipedia

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