Sexennial — Sex*en ni*al, a. [L. sexennium a period of six years, sexennis of six years; sex six + annus a year. See {Six}, and {Annual}.] Lasting six years, or happening once in six years. n. A sexennial event. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sexennial — [sek sen′ē əl] adj. [< L sexennium, six years < sex, SIX + annus (see ANNUAL) + AL] 1. happening every six years 2. lasting six years sexennially adv … English World dictionary
sexennial — 1. adjective a) Lasting six years. b) Happening once in six years. 2. noun A sexennial event … Wiktionary
sexennial — sexennially, adv. /sek sen ee euhl/, adj. 1. of or for six years. 2. occurring every six years. [1640 50; < L sexenni(s) six years old (sex SIX + enn , comb. form of annus year + is adj. suffix) + AL1] * * * … Universalium
sexennial — sex·en·ni·al || sek senɪəl adj. happening every six years; pertaining to six years; lasting six years … English contemporary dictionary
sexennial — [sɛk sɛnɪəl] adjective lasting for or recurring every six years. Origin C17: from L. sexennium + al … English new terms dictionary
sexennial — sex·en·ni·al … English syllables
sexennial — /sɛksˈɛniəl/ (say seks eneeuhl) adjective 1. of or for six years. 2. occurring every six years. –noun 3. US a sexcentenary. {Latin sexennium + al1} –sexennially, adverb …
sexennial — adj. 1 lasting six years. 2 recurring every six years. Etymology: SEXI + L annus year … Useful english dictionary
History of the English penny (c. 600-1066) — After Rome: prelude to the Anglo Saxon coinageAt the end of the fourth century, the Roman provinces of Britain were still part of a vibrant and quite efficient economic and monetary system that stretched over the whole Roman world. Precious metal … Wikipedia
sexennially — adverb see sexennial * * * sexennˈially adverb • • • Main Entry: ↑sexennial … Useful english dictionary